b'RECRUITMENT STRAIGHT FROM THE expertsUnique Ways toCreate a Strong Candidate ExperienceBy Beth SunshineSenior Vice President - Talent Services, The Center for Sales Strategy and Up Your CultureR ecruiting top talent is toughand its gettingwho are right for the role and simultaneously repel more challenging every day! Want to know howthose who arent.to up your game? Create a top-notch candidateA great job description paints a picture of what the experience. job really is and what success will look like. Once you Do a pretty good job here, and your candidates will feelidentify the strengths you need for the role, describe good about your company when they walk away. Do athem, using honest language like, this salesperson will great job here, and they feel good enough about yourneed to enjoy the hunt, overcome rejection quickly, company to share their positive feelings with othersand recognize that at the end of a tough day, tomorrow which builds your companys reputation and boostswill be better.your employer brand. The more honest the job description, the less time you Whatever you do, dont get this wrong! A bad candi- will waste down the road. Also, provide the full name date experience also leads to sharing, but not in theof the direct manager and a transparent timeline for way that you want. One in five will actively adviseyour hiring process.both job candidates and customers to keep away too. (CareerBuilder) 2. Make it Easy to ApplyTop 10 Tips on Nailing theChallenge yourself to make every step in the process as easy and enjoyable for your candidates as possible. Candidate Experience Make sure your career page is easy to find, provide clear application instructions, shorten your application 1. Set the Stage Well as much as possible (no more than one page), and offer The best way to get off on the right foot is to craft a joba mobile-friendly process.description that seems to magnetically attract thoseAlso, consider accepting applications without a resume 48 Unique Ways to Create a Strong Candidate Experience'