b'ENGAGEMENT7. Workplace Wellness Communication of goals, interests, and individual moti-We spend a great majority of our time at work (whethervators is key to ensuring your employees are enjoying it is in the office or from a remote location), and ourthe work they are involved in and making plans and health has a direct impact on what happens at work. shifts when they arent. Todays workforce embraces projects and tasks that engage their critical thinking It has been said that A healthy mind resides in a healthyand problem-solving skills, and most will say they enjoy body. There is a direct relationship between healthya job where no day looks the same.workers and productive workers, which is important toThis phenomenon is prevalent in the case of GenX and the overall health of the organization. GenZ employees. They are critical thinkers and chal-Organizations have started offering corporate wellnesslenger-seekers, and problem-solving is in their inherent programs to not only help their employees make timenature.to prioritize their health but also show that they care about them as a whole person. 10. Modern Generation Helping employees live a healthy lifestyle and balanceEmployee Benefitsthe stressors of work with positive life habits goes aWe are all players in the current talent war, and one long way with your people. Corporate wellness pro- of the keys to attracting top talent is offering the right grams are an investment in your organizations currentmix of benefits. Gone are the days of boilerplate ben-success and future well-being. efits and perks; they have been replaced with creative and employee-focused benefits that enhance the 8. Recognizing Mental Health inemployee experience in addition to providing finan-the Workplace cial security.Everyone has experienced a high degree of stress overIt is not uncommon for job candidates to ask about the last few years, and it has brought the importancetotal compensation packages, including the perks, ben-of mental health to the forefront of workplace health.efits, and rewards systems offered. In fact, a Glassdoor Employees experiencing poor mental health lose oversurvey found that 80% of employees prefer additional 70 million working days during the year. benefits over a pay increase. Solid health care and retirement offerings are standard, but offering life-en-Burnout is one of the most well-known manifestationshancing features like flexible work arrangements, of decreased mental health. Recent studies and surveysgenerous vacation, and wellness-focused perks are have uncovered the enormous impact burnout andattractive to job seekers.decreased mental health have on employees. These studies, coupled with the overall focus on mental healthConclusionas a whole, have opened employers eyes to the impor-tance of paying attention to employees mental states. Work is an important part of our lives, and we should all enjoy the time we spend there. By offering ways in Mental health resources combined with the abovewhich to enhance employee engagement, you retain wellness programs help to promote and sustain atop performers, attract future stars and build a happy, healthy and engaged workforce. healthy, and productive workforce!9. Interesting and Challenging WorkOne of the top ways to keep your employees engaged is to offer work that they personally find interesting and challenging. While top employees will most always give their best, they may not show up in the same ways as if they find fulfillment in what they are doing.Employee Engagement Trends for 2023 133'