b'DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPMENTC A S ES T U DY: 360 Executive Strength Coaching By Deborah FulghumSenior Talent Analyst and Engagement Specialist, The Center for Sales Strategy and Up Your CultureI nvesting time and resources into the developmentHis Objective of your people pays off in many ways. Not onlyAlthough he was a top performing Director of Sales, does it lead to increased performance in their rolehe aspired to become a Vice President in the company and improved mobility in the company, but it is also awhich requires robust performance, excellent manage-key ingredient in creating strong, ongoing employeement abilities, and high levels of interpersonal finesse. engagement. His VP felt strongly that an increased awareness of how Like professional athletes, even the highest-perform- he was perceived by others in these areas would help ing leaders valueand often craveongoing develop- him to fine-tune his skills and develop strong habits ment. They are highly motivated by the opportunitythat would benefit him in the future. to fully recognize their untapped potential and work with experts to further grow their skillset and advanceHis current success and likeability actually made it their careers.more difficult to spot opportunities for growth which is why an executive coaching program backed by data Going from Good to Greatwas so important. Not long ago, a company executive came to us askingThe 360 Executive Strength about the best ways to invest in one of her leaders. While her Director of Sales was already well-liked andCoaching Approach very successful in the company, she believed he stillThis manager was excited about this executive coach-had untapped potential and wanted to invest in hising opportunity and valued the 360 survey compo-continued development and further boost his engage- nent that was included. He worked with his VP and his ment. It quickly became clear that the 360 Executivecoach to identify the right group of people to survey Strength Coaching program was the right way to doand landed on a solid list of people whose opinions this. With this executive coaching program, he could:would be most meaningful to his growth, including Better understand his innate strengths for saleshis Local Sales Managers, Digital Sales Manager, sales management.team members, managers in other markets, and even Gain critical insight into how he was currently usinga few individuals from corporate. his strengths in his role.His survey participation was high, and the information Uncover opportunities for growth.collected was rich. Armed with great insight into how this manager was currently using his talents as well as Move up to the next level of management.some recommended growth opportunities, his exec-94 360 Executive Strength Coaching'