b'DEVELOPMENTcessful candidate will be motivated, rather thanFit overwhelmed, by any goals that are put in front ofTalent is only a strength when the fit is right. Fit looks them.different for every team and every manager. Theres Positivity: Rejection is common. Focused Fast-Startno right or wrong across the board answer, but its sellers need to bounce back quickly and not takeimportant to remember - a highly talented person with rejection personally.the wrong fit will not reach their full potential. Here are Relationship:Thisisthesurface-levelPeoplea few Focused Fast-Start fit factors to consider: Acumen talent. A salesperson should be extrovertedSkills: These are the trainable items. Should they and draw energy from working the room andknow how to build a PowerPoint, or are you willing interacting with others, but they dont need to getto teach that? And how much time do you have to extremely close to each prospect they work with.devote to training? Activator: Confidence and command are must- Experience: How much knowledge do they need haves. Focused Fast-Start sellers need the naturalcoming in? Are you willing to hire someone whos very ability to persuade people and influence them totalented but doesnt have experience? What about agree to a presented solution.someone who has the experience, but may have Accelerator: Every customer is different, so the abilitysome bad habits? Are you willing to retrain them? to adapt to different situations, anticipate obstacles,Product: Enthusiasm and interest in your product and move the sale forward is key. are key. Avoid incompatibilities between someones Problem Solver: Sales is solving problems. Its neces- temperament and values with the product theyre sary for someone to naturally conduct root-cause anal- representing. ysis of issues, identify a solution, and move forward.Culture: Consider the core values and behaviors that Developing Sales Stars97'