b'ENGAGEMENTto the losses of 2021, which include Twitter and Disney.Communicate openly: Encourage open commu-Employee well-being after the pandemic has becomenication and create an environment of trust where even more of a concern as the pandemic has broughtemployees feel comfortable expressing their con-a unique set of challenges that have contributed tocerns and discussing their work-related stress. increased stress and burnout among leaders andFoster a sense of community: Encourage employ-employees. The sudden shift to remote work and theees to connect with one another and foster a sense disruption of daily routines has been challenging forof community. This can be done through team-build-many employees, leading to feelings of isolation anding activities, virtual social events, or other opportu-disconnection. This, in combination with the constantnities for connection. need to be available and connected, has made it diffi- Recognize and address burnout early: Monitor cult for employees to disconnect from work and main- employee well-being and be proactive in address-tain a healthy work-life balance.ing burnout before it becomes a more serious issue. The pandemic has also created financial stress for manyCreate a culture of support: Provide support and people, which can lead to burnout. Job insecurity, lay- resources to help employees manage stress and offs, pay cuts, and economic uncertainty have made itmaintain their well-being. difficult for many employees to feel secure in their jobsShow value appreciation: Take the time to find out and financial situation.how your employees like to be recognized and be The prolonged stress and uncertainty caused by thepurposeful in your recognition. Identify the specific pandemic has also led to increased levels of anxiety andbehaviors you saw and encourage them to continue depression among employees, which can contribute toexercising those behaviors. burnout. The constant state of uncertainty and the lackOffer team retreats: Create events or other activi-of control over the situation can make it difficult forties that get people away from their normal routines employees to manage stress and maintain their mentaland help relieve pressure. and emotional well-being. Encourage sharing: Provide outlets for executives to Its important for employers to be aware of the currenttalk about their stressors and challenges with other situation for their leaders and employees and proactiveleaders in addressing the challenges by providing support andMaking the decision to help employees lead healthier, resources and creating a culture of well-being.more positive lives is an investment in your organiza-Here are several ways that employers can help withtion.Employers who show care for their employees employee burnout: well-being through wellness programs, health benefits, Encourage work-life balance: Employers shouldstress management, and by supporting better work-life encourage employees to take time off and setbalance, improve the employee experience by building boundaries around working hours. This can helpa positive, sustainable work culture employees disconnect from work and maintain aAnd remember that as leaders sometimes we can move healthy work-life balance.so quickly that we forget to take care of ourselves. Part of Provide flexibility: Provide flexible work arrange- your job as a leader is to make sure youand your team ments, such as flexible work hours, part-time, or dont put your individual well-being on the back burner. job-sharing options. This can help employees bal- ** Its important to note that burnout is a complex issue ance their work and personal responsibilities.that can be caused by a variety of factors, a combination Promote self-care: Encourage employees to prioritizeof the above strategies may be necessary to effectively self-care and make it a part of the company culture.address it. We recommend that organizations work This can include providing resources for mental andwith their leaders and employees to understand their emotional well-being, such as counseling services,individual needs and tailor their approach accordingly. wellness programs, or employee assistance programs. Managing Burnout 135'