b'ENGAGEMENT1.Onsite is the new Offsite : Hybrid6.Diversity of Thought : Leaders will workforces will increasingly become the norm,ask for input from all employees when creating, allowing employees the freedom of remotebrainstorming, and innovating. A broader range work while bringing the benefits of live trainingof thoughts and ideas leads to stronger solu-and development and impromptu brainstorm- tions, increased buy-in, and ensures everyone ing sessions.Company leaders will becomefeels their voices are valued.more comfortable with this hybrid model and become adept at using the time in the office for7.Preventing Burnout : Because leaders high-value interactions. will continue to see increasing levels of burnout on their teams, they will become more inten-2.Company Vision : In an effort to elevatetional about two things. First, giving employ-engagement, companies will increase visibilityees the opportunities to try new skills, learn when it comes to the company vision, spendnew things, and take on new challenges.And more time talking about where theyre headed,second, fill the feedback vacuum- giving more and point to the positive impact each employeeguidance, feedback, and acknowledgement. makes.8.Core Values : Company leaders will rec-3.Engagement ROI : Companies will prior- ognize the high expectations employees have itize culture and make it a line item in their bud- for their organization to practice what they gets. Employers will work overtime to engagepreach, and they will be more committed to and retain their talented workers by expandingensuring that their organization acts in a way benefits, bending on return-to-office man- that is aligned with their values.According to dates, and paying attention to the priorities ofQualtrics, I believe in my organizations values their people. was the #2 driver of intent to stay over the past year. 4.Intentional Cultures : Now that so many organizations are using hybrid and9.Work-Life Blend : With a variety of remote work models, leaders can no longer bework models, its no longer possible to estab-satisfied with cultures that are casually basedlish a work-life balance. Instead of being on in office interactions. Instead of culture bycontrasting sides of the scale, work and life will chance, the focus will turn to culture by design.be in symbiosis. Employees will consciously Leaders will look to establish a strong Reasonchoose which pieces of their lives to blend into for Being, Core Values, and a vision that moti- their work schedules, and managers will be vates their employees. more flexible with those working outside of traditional office hours.5.People First : Leaders will further under-stand the significant impact their relationship10. Well-Being : The focus will shift from has with their employees. They will work towhat are you doing to how are you doing establish stronger relationships by developingwhen meeting with employees. Employers who habits that increase their connections withcare for employee health and wellbeing see those out of the office. Empathy, transparency,higher productivity, higher profitability, and and vulnerability will be the keys to deepeninglower turnover rates.their relationships.Engagement Trends 115'