b'RECRUITMENT STRAIGHT FROM THE experts Job Seekers AreJUDGING Your Company CultureBy Deborah FulghumSenior Talent Analyst and Engagement Specialist,The Center for Sales Strategy and Up Your CultureF inding the perfect job can- board will make a big differencething they felt passionate about in didate is not easy. While youin the culture (and ultimately thetheir personal life. It so happened are looking for specific fac- success) of your company, so it isthat their personal Core Values did tors in your candidates like innateimportant to dig a bit deeper tonot align with their companys. As strengths, skills, and experience),ensure candidates align with whoa result, they began searching for a you also need to be aware of whatyou are as a company. You want tocompany that lined up more with they are looking for in a company.be authentic and represent whowho they were as a person. The fit What would make them accept anyou truly are as a company so thatjust wasnt right for them.offer? And what would make themthey are banging on your door to stay? work there. When the fit isnt right, its impos-sibleforanemployeetofeel Its important to remember thatThink back to your own experiences.engaged. When the fit is right, how-while you are interviewing candi- Have you ever worked with a groupever, employees feel:dates, they are also interviewingor organization that just wasnt the you. There are many things theyright fit for you and didnt align withMotivatedare looking for, but one importantwho you are? Almost everyone hasEnergizedfactor for them to consider is yourbeen in a position where they just organizations culture. They want todidnt quite fit. Happyknow if your companys Core ValuesI know someone who is a few yearsEnthusiasticalignwiththeirpersonalCoreout of college who accepted theirConfidentValues (their principles and beliefs). first job and was extremely excitedFreedom to express yourselfto begin in their new role (mostly How to Know anbecause they had a paying job!).AuthenticEmployee is Engaged inAfter a bit of time, they began toLoves their jobTheir Role lose the energy and enthusiasm they once had. The company theyEnsuring you find potential candi-Each new person you bring onworked for went against every- dates who feel this way at work is 44Job Seekers Are Judging Your Company Culture'