b'RESOURCESWinning on Purpose By: Fred ReichheldIn Winning on Purpose, Reichheld demonstrates that the primary purpose of a business should be to enrich the lives of its customers. Why? Because when customers feel this love, they come back for moreandbringtheirfriendsgenerating good profits. This is NPS 3.0 and it puts a new take on the age-old Golden Ruletreat customers the way you would want a loved one treatedat the heart of enduring business success.The 6 Types of Working GeniusLiving with a Seal By: Patrick Lencioni By: Jessee ItzlerThe 6 Types of Working GeniusEntrepreneur Jesse Itzler will try almost anything. is the fastest way to help peopleHis life is about being bold and risky. So when identify the type of work thatJesse felt himself drifting on autopilot, he hired brings them joy and energy,a rather unconventional trainer to live with him for a month-an accomplished Navy SEAL widely and avoid work that leads toconsidered to be the toughest man on the frustration and burnout. planet!Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook -Remote Not Distant How To Tell Your Story In ABy: Gustavo Razzetti Noisy Social WorldThe future of work is here. By: Gary Vaynerchuk Will you adapt or be left in the Publishedin2013,Garydust? With actionable advice, Vaynerchuk shares hard-wonthis book adviceonhowtoconnectoffers you with customers and beat thethe insights competition. A mash-up of theand tools best elements of Crush It! and The Thank You Economy withyou need a fresh spin, Jab, Jab, Jab, Rightto succeed Hook is a blueprint for socialin a hybrid media marketing strategies. workplace.152 Team Development Through Reading: Books We Read in 2022'