b'SELECTIONforward, allowed him to create actionable ideas andwould also volunteer to go on calls with other AEs if he solutions quickly. She knew that she could lean onhad knowledge in a category or had a previous relation-Steve to do what was best on the National side for theship with the client contacts. Hubbard Phoenix property, and she continued to findWhen Susan had a GSM role to fill, it was a natural the rest of her team naturally looking to Steve.decision to look to Steve first. Susan had him take the Along the way, in an attempt to develop Steve quickly,Manager Talent Assessment (MTA) and was not sur-Susan included him in management discussions andprised to learn that he had a lot of intensity in the tal-spent 1:1 time with him to gain his perspective on dif- ents necessary for success in sales management. He ferent topics. He was also selected to attend companywas highly recommended for the job and was also a conferences as part of the team and was involved ingood fit for Susan as well as the rest of the manage-meetings above the sales level for his exposure andment team. Hired! the management teams benefit. Through this process,This is a great example of a manager interested and Susan was able to assess that Steve was a great strate- focused on the growth of her people. Susan recognizes gic thinker, which is much needed at the managementtalent and potential in others and gives people expo-level.sure to opportunities that will help them grow and use At one point, one of the salespeople approached Susantheir talents to increase performance. and asked if Steve could spend some time coachingSelection to succession, your next manager could be him. This was before he was even a manager, but hisright under your nose.potential was obvious, so she developed an informal partnership for him to provide guidance as a peer.He Internal Selection Leads to Strong Succession Plan67'