b'SELECTION STRAIGHT FROM THE expertsThe 90-Day Quitting Trend and how to Overcome it By Tirzah Thornburg Senior Talent Analyst,The Center for Sales StrategyA n employee resignation always hurts, but theing increasingly common, especially for younger loss can feel especially painful and costly ifworkers. Jobvites annual Job Seeker Nation Survey they never even got off the ground. 20% ofreports that 34% of them have, at some point in their all employee turnover happens during the first threeyoung careers, left a job in the first 90 days. months on the job, which leaves hiring managersSo, if you have had one or more candidates quit within lamenting the time spent recruiting, winnowing can- days or weeks of bringing them on board, you are not didates, hiring, creating onboarding plans, training,alone. And while there are signs that the job market is and coaching.beginning to stabilize, the trend of 90-day quitters Leaving a job before things really get going is becom- may stick around for a while. 68 The 90-Day Quitting Trend and how to Overcome it'