b'SELECTIONSELECTION TA K E AWAY SWhat you need to know about Selection to turn talent into performance.Internal candidates belong in your talentGo beyond the traditional interview. Involving bank, too. Recognize the talent and potential ofyour candidate in role-playing scenarios or job audi-those on your team, provide them with exposuretions can help you better understand their coach-to opportunities that will help them grow, and useability and skillset. It also gives your candidate the their talents to increase performance.opportunity to explore a day (or hour) in the life Hire tough so you can manage easy. Be patientof the job and evaluate whether or not the job is the and invest time in the selection process prior toright fit for them. hiring someone. When you find the right talent andIdentify your Culture Ambassadors. These key the right fit, your new employee will flourish fasterpeople play a big role in the selection process by and your job as a manager will be easier.greeting candidates at the front door, giving them a Fish with the right bait. A well-thought-out Jobtour, and building rapport. Not only do they have the Analysis and Spec Sheet will help you define theopportunity to notice and details about the candi-bait youre using to fish for your job candidates.date you may have missed, they also leave the candi-Identify the role requirements, new businessdate with a strong first impression of your company. expectations, and experience level youre lookingTalent and fit are equally important. Talent is for. Then ask yourself what must-have talents aresomeones innate ability to achieve success in a role, necessary for success in the role. Dont make com- while fit describes how well a person fits with your promises on your must-haves during the selectionmanagement style, your team, your culture, and your process.company. When you select someone who has both Measure what matters. Experience doesntthe right talent and the right fit, youre able to make always equal talent. Use a validated talent assess- an investment in someone that will really pay off. ment to understand each candidates uniqueDevelop a selection process and be diligent strengths and weaknesses. Talent assessmentsabout sticking to it. Spec out the job, review a can-allow you to focus solely on your candidatesdidates STA with a Talent Analyst, and if their talents potential for excellence in the role, while eliminat- align with the role youre looking to fill, invite the ing unconscious bias that may otherwise interfere.candidate to interview to determine fit.78 Selection Takeaways'