b'ENGAGEMENTshocking 72% report that their organization tolerates49%People Development: Employee behaviors that dont align with their Core Values.Growth, Feedback, and To see such familiarity of Core Values among com-pany leaders is inspiring, but for Core Values to haveRecognition an impact, everyone in the workplace must know what they are and have a clear definition of what theyAre you unlocking the power of your really mean. Having identified Core Values simply isntpeople? enough. For many organizations, this is a good timePeople Development demonstrates that you care to re-establish a strong set of Core Values, refine andabout your people and are invested in their growth define them, and include the entire team in the pro- through consistent development opportunities, fre-cess. Involving everyone will create added buy-in andquent feedback, and adequate recognition. a sense of belonging. Once youve re-established your Core Values, holdWhen asked how focused their company is on invest-yourself and others to high standards for living bying in employee development, nearly half of the them. As a leader, you set the example. Turning thesurvey respondents (49%) shared that their com-other cheek encourages others to do the same, andpany is only somewhat focused or not focused at when that happens, credibility crumbles. Having toughall on employee development. Perhaps contrary to conversations help to ensure that everyone knows thewhat one might expect, that number sharply increases rules that define your company. Although theyre diffi-cult, they will pay off in the long run by enhancing your49%culture and increasing employee engagement.49%REPORT THEIR COMPANY IS WHERE: Your VisionONLY SOMEWHAT FOCUSED Your vision is where you see your company in the futureOR NOT FOCUSED AT ALL ON and provides a clear roadmap for the path youll travelEMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT.to get there. A strong vision clarifies what you plan to accomplish, leaves little to interpretation, is ambitious in49%natureand, most importantly, motivates your employ-ees to make the vision a reality. The number of employees unaware and unmotivated by their companys long-term vision has risen over the past year. One in three employees (35%) either isnt moti-vated by their companys long-term vision or doesnt know what their companys long-term vision is. Sur-prisingly, employees working in hybrid and remote envi-ronments are slightly more likely to be motivated by their companys long-term vision than those working in-office. On the other hand, 79% of managers are aware of and feel motivated by their companys long-term vision. Overall, managers feel a stronger sense of purpose in their work, are more aware of and living by their CoreREPORT THEIR COMPANY IS REPORT THEIR COMPANY IS Values, and are more inspired by the vision of their com- ONLY SOMEWHAT FOCUSED ONLY SOMEWHAT FOCUSED pany. Although it falls on the shoulders of managers toOR NOT FOCUSED AT ALL ON lead by example, its clear that the Shared Mission is get- OR NOT FOCUSED AT ALL ON EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT.ting lost in translation between managers and employ- EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT.ees. REPORT THEIR COMPANY IS 120 ENGAGE 2023: The Company Culture Report ONLY SOMEWHAT FOCUSED OR NOT FOCUSED AT ALL ON EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT.'