b'ENGAGEMENTretain their employees, and 33% report that whileThe most common model used by our survey par-some leaders do, others do not. Front-line employeesticipants is a hybrid model (45%) that includes both are even less likely to believe their leaders care a greatin-office workdays as well as remote work. 30% of deal about retaining their people at 46%.respondents work fully remotely, and only one out The big question is, how do we better engage ourof every four people (25%) now reports to an office people, so we have more employees contributing toevery day. a roaring fire and winning over those who were dous- Your companys work model plays a crucial role in ing the flames? The answerimprove your culture.attracting top talent. Job seekers pay close attention The better your culture, the stronger your employeeto your work structure and are more likely to apply engagement will be.for jobs that align with their preferences. Its essen-At Up Your Culture, we have discovered four distincttial to communicate information on your work model themes that separate the most highly engaged orga- upfront, share the benefits of your current model in nizations from those that dont quite measure up:your job ad, and focus on the quality of your culture. Shared Mission, People Development, Valued Voice,People want to do meaningful work in an engaging and Earned Trust. Pay attention to these as you read fur- environment; paint a picture of that for your job can-ther into this article and consider how your organizationdidates using video and employee comments. compares to those that are highly engaged. Think aboutAs we gaze into the future, companies must be sig-how your team is doing in each area today and then asknaling away from in-office work. Only 17% of survey yourself how you can strategically improve engagementrespondents believe they will be in the office full-on your team in the future.time in the future (down from 26% last year), but a discrepancy between managers and front-line employ-How and Where We Workees about the future state of their work model is critical to note. While less than 5% of managers believe they Companies continue to adapt to thewill be working remotely in the future, almost 30% of new world of work, and opinions on theemployees see remote work down the road. subject abound!So, now that we know the breakdown of work models, It appears that hybrid work is becoming a long-termwhat do people truly prefer? 86% of those surveyed trend, with a growing number of companies shiftingwant to work hybrid or fully remote. Only 5% of from remote and in-office options to a hybrid workemployees and 15% of managers prefer in-office. model that melds the two.In addition, most people who are currently working either hybrid or remotely believe the ideal hybrid model includes only one day a week in the office. And an overwhelming 81% insist that no more than 2 days should be spent in the office. 86% of those surveyed want to work hybrid or fully remote.118 ENGAGE 2023: The Company Culture Report'