b'DEVELOPMENT3. Build a Personal Brand 5. Become a Resource In todays social media-driven world, salespeople needExcellent, experienced salespeople are a resource to to create and curate a professional brand online. Helptheir clients. They become the clients go-to person them establish themselves as sales thought leader.when a problem or need arises. Encourage your new Encourage them to share their insights, experiences,sales reps to become a resource for their clients and and expertise on social media. By becoming activeprospects. To become a resource, they need to develop on LinkedIn, blogging, or even a personal marketingskills and knowledge that can help them offer expert resume, your new salespeople can stand out from theguidance. One way to do that is to take online courses competition and attract more business.in digital marketing, business, or advertising. They can also read business books or even start an online MBA 4. Build a Networkprogram. By establishing themselves as trusted part-You should encourage your new salespeople to buildners who understand their clients needs, salespeople and maintain strong relationships with potential clients,can increase their chances of closing deals and becom-colleagues, and other industry professionals. Provideing successful in their careers. resources and support to help salespeople expand theirInvesting in your sales reps beyond the first 90 days networks, participate in industry groups and attendis crucial to the long-term success of your sales team. events. This can help them stay up to date with industryBy developing a performance plan for your new reps trends, identify new business opportunities, and buildafter their first 100 days, you will help set them up on relationships that can lead to future sales. A strong net- a path to success.work can help salespeople become more effective at their job and establish themselves as industry experts. Day 101: 5 Ways to Develop New Sales Reps!101'