b'ENGAGEMENTto 65% for those working full-time from an office. This group especially feels that an investment in their development is lacking. It seems our in-office employ- 1 in 4 only ees may be getting overlooked when those working remote and hybrid report receiving more develop- receive feedback ment opportunities. As human beings, we have a natural drive to grow4 times a year.and improve ourselves. This is especially true in the workplace, where employees want to develop new skills, take on more responsibility, and advance their careers. Recognize and support this desire for growth,As it turns out, people want more! Both front-line and you can greatly increase employee engagement,employees and managers want to receive more pats loyalty, and performance.on the back for a job well done, but this survey shows When we take a look at feedback, 55% of surveythat managers are especially wanting. Only 24% of respondents report receiving specific and meaningfulfront-line employees and 36% of managers report performance feedback from their manager either dailythey are satisfied with the recognition they receive. or weekly, and more than 1 in 4 (27%) only receiveWhen people receive recognition for their work, they feedback 4 times a year. Greater than 5% reportwant to repeat the positive behaviors that led to suc-never receiving meaningful feedback at all!cess. This creates a chain reaction that increases both Even more important than the actual cadence ofproductivity and performance. Consider how you can this feedback, we want to know how it feels to themore frequently recognize the good work your people recipients, and 76% of people report that they feelare doing using internal emails, social media shout-as though they receive enough feedback from theirouts, meeting announcements, handwritten notes, manager. Employees are even more satisfied with thevideo messages, surprise deliveries, and even oppor-feedback they receive than the managers who par- tunities for more development. Remember, this isnt ticipated in the survey. 20% of front-line employeesa one-size-fits-all kind of thing. You need to start by believe their feedback is lacking, compared to 30% ofthinking about the individual who earned the recogni-managers. 11% of managers report never receivingtion and ask yourself, what would be most meaningful meaningful feedback at all.to them? Effective feedback provides an employee with ongoingValued Voice: Communication details about their performance, behavior, or work. Although people need constructive criticism to adjustand Collaboration and improve, they also need positive feedback at an even higher rate.The optimal ratio is typically 5:1.Do people feel comfortable sharing Dont be fooled into thinking that positive feedbacktheir opinions and truly value input only serves to make people feel good while construc- from others? tive criticism helps them improve.On the contrary, when you give someone specific feedback on exactlyValued Voice encourages strong two-way communica-what they did right, they are able to repeat thosetion, where everyone feels comfortable sharing their behaviors more often and improve their performance.ideas and values input from others. It requires a high commitment to transparency and genuine respect for Strong people development also includes meaning- each persons thoughts and opinions. ful recognition. Recognition serves as a reward for strong effort, demonstrates that their work is valuedDo people feel they can fully be themselves? and appreciated, and boosts morale, motivation andPsychological safety is one of the main ingredients in engagement.a strong, Valued Voice. Its the shared belief held by ENGAGE 2023: The Company Culture Report 121'