b'RECRUITMENT STRAIGHT FROM THE expertsA Quick Guide to Acquiring Top Talent By Kate RehlingTalent Analyst and Engagement Specialist, The Center for Sales Strategy and Up Your CultureN BA Coach Phil Jackson once said, The strengthaccounts are your future employees. Set aside time for of the team is each individual member. Hisrecruitment the same way your Account Executives set thought holds true within your sales teams. aside time to prospect. If you make one deposit into Each person on your team needs to have the right com- your talent bank each week, at the end of the year, bination of talent and fit to be successful. But in thisyoull have 52 deposits!competitive job market, how can you attract top talentAttracting top talent is challenging. Its even more chal-to your organization? lenging if you dont have a strong talent bank to pull from. Set a goal for talent bank deposits each month Separate Recruitment fromand hold yourself to that commitment. The most suc-Selection cessful leaders develop consistent habits when it comes to recruitment.The first key is to separate recruitment from selection.Recruitment is the act of finding people with a vari- Hunt Where the Game Isety of talents, skills, and experiences that couldYouve set your recruitment goal. Now, where do you potentially fill a role in your organization in thego to get started? If you want to attract top talent and future. find qualified candidates, you have to hunt in the right Selection is the act of searching through your talentplaces. LinkedIn is one of the most widely-used plat-bank to find the person with the right talents, skills,forms.and experiences for the role you are filling. Actively engage with your LinkedIn network to help Recruitment is proactive! Thats why we recommendyou become more visible. Be strategic about what you adopting a were always hiring mindset. With thiscomment on and respond to comments of those who mindset, recruitment is happening all the time, whetherpique your interest as potential candidates. Getting the you have an open position or not. Then, when youconversation started casually will help break the ice and finally need to make a hire, you have a talented groupgive people the opportunity to explore your LinkedIn of people sitting on the bench to pull from. page as well.Recruiting is like prospecting in sales. Your targetShare blog posts. If your company has an active blog, 52 A Quick Guide to Acquiring Top Talent'