b'RECRUITMENTbythinkingaboutthoseonyourTo effectively use referrals to findDoesnt give up until the job is team who are highly talented andnew employees, consider imple- done?ask them who they know. Accord- menting a referral program thatYou can find more examples of ingtoLinkedIn,companiescanincentivizes employees for suc- questions you can ask to target expand their talents pools 10x bycessful referrals, such as a mon- specific behaviors in the Nomina-recruitingthroughcurrentem- etary reward. This can increasetor System resource on the CSS ployee networks.employeeparticipationandwebsite. Just a few of the benefits of usingengagement in the process. Onceyouvetappedintoyour referrals are:Be intentional and specific aboutcurrent employees, ask others in 1.Faster hiring process. Refer- exactly what you need for yourthe industry for referrals, includ-ralcandidatesareoftensales roles. If you ask someone,ing your clients. Chances are they pre-screenedbycurrentWhats a great restaurant I shouldmay be working with talented reps employees, which can savevisit while Im in town? yourein the market who may be looking time and resources during thelikely to get a slew of answers.for a new opportunity.hiring process.Now imagine you asked some-2.Higher quality candidates.one, Whats a Mexican restau- LinkedIn: Referral candidates are morerant with great chips and salsaActively engaging with your Linke-likely to be a good fit for thethat serves specialty margaritas?dIn network is the second most company culture and have theTheir answer will be much differ- effective and popular way that skills and experience requiredentand it will align more closelycompanies found their superstar for the job.with what you need. The same cansellerslastyear.Accordingto 3.Increased employee engage- be said for referrals. When youreThe Muse, 92% of companies use ment. Employees who referasking for referrals, be sure to asksocial media for hiring and this candidatesmayfeelmorefor the specific behaviors yourewill only grow stronger with the invested in the success of thelooking for, such as: impact of artificial intelligence on company and may be moresocial media. engagedandmotivatedatWho do you know who is:Here are some tips you can use to work.Highly competitive and alwaysincrease your visibility and con-4.Cost-efficiency. Referral pro- wants to win?nect with top talent on LinkedIn:grams can be cost-effective asOutgoing and easily connects1. Start a conversation: Be stra-they dont require expensivewith others?tegic about what you comment recruitmentadvertisingor hiring agencies. 5.Increased diversity. ReferralsEmployees who are referred can also increase diversity in the workplace as they allowby current employees tend you to reach a wider range of potential candidates, not justto have better retention as those who respond to job ads.they are more likely to fit 6.Reduced turnover. Employ-ees who are referred by cur- the company culture and rent employees tend to have better retention as they arehave a stronger sense of more likely to fit the companycommitment.culture and have a stronger sense of commitment.28 Superstar Study'