b'RECRUITMENTRECRUITMENT TA K E AWAY SWhat you need to know about Recruitment to turn talent into performance.Dontconfuserecruitmentwithselection!leagues are all great places to look for talent. Just Recruitment is the proactive step of finding peoplebecause someone doesnt have experience, doesnt with a variety of talents, skills, and experiences whomean they dont have the potential to be a superstar! could potentially fill a role in your organization in theWhile youre interviewing candidates, candi-future. Selection is the act of searching through yourdates are also interviewing you. Theyre looking talent bank to find the person with the right talents,to find out who you authentically are as a company skills, and experiences for the role youre currentlyand what you represent. Candidates want to know if filling.your companys Core Values align with their personal Talent loves talent. For the 8th year in a row, refer- principles and beliefs. rals lead the list as the number one and most effectiveRetention helps with recruitment! A high retention way to recruit talented candidates for open positions.rate reflects positively on the companys employer The benefits of tapping into referrals include fasterbrand and potential candidates will be attracted to hiring processes, higher quality candidates, increasedan organization that has a reputation for treating its employee engagement, and reduced turnover.employees well. Retention also helps with recruit-Recruiting is like sticking to a dietit takes ded- ment by increasing positive word of mouth - a great ication. Every new hire you make will either add tosource of referrals for new employees. or detract from the success of your team. EstablishThe Candidate Experience spreads fast. Do strong, consistent recruitment habits in order to seta great job, and candidates will feel good enough yourself up for success in the future.to rave about you to others. But do a bad job, and Adopt a were always hiring mindset. Instead oftheyll actively advise other candidates to stay away. telling people you dont have any openings right now,Maintain trust and transparency, over-communicate tell them youre always looking for top talentletsthroughout the interview process, and provide can-talk! With this mindset, recruitment is happening all thedidates with valuable feedback. time, whether you have an open position or not. Then,Save yourself the time! Use a validated talent when you finally need to make a hire, you have a tal- assessment as early in the process as possibleented group of people in your talent bank to pull from.It quickly separates the highly talented from the rest. Be brave and adventurous. Your next superstarEven if a candidate isnt the right fit for your position, seller could be hiding in an unconventional place.send them their Top Talent Report to give them an Online gaming communities, crowdfunding plat- insight on their strengths and potentially lead them forms, local restaurants, retail sales, and sportsin the right employment direction. 54 Recruitment Takeaways'