b'SELECTIONthose target talents in mind, and craft a messageRole Play Interviews that will speak to someone who has those innateAsk the candidate to role-play a first meeting with a strengths. In other words, if you know that you needprospect. Ahead of the interview, give them a sce-someone who is highly competitive, use competitive language in your job ad to capture their attention. Anario, parameters, and basic tool kit. Remember, this strong job description will attract candidates with theisnt a trick interview. Give them the info and tools right stuff while simultaneously discouraging thosethey need to do well. Immerse yourself in the role of who lack the innate qualities that lead to success.prospect and think of common objections or conver-sation stoppers, but again, its not a trick, act like a Measure what matters (andreal prospect. eliminate unconscious bias)Now comes the important part. Offer praise for what they did well and give them a couple of things they Once a candidate sees themselves in the job post- could do to improve. Then give them some time to ing and raises their hand, its time to use a validatedprepare before you run through it again. Notice how talent assessment to discover whether their innatethey respond to your feedback. Are they open to sug-strengths are the right match for the role. Use angestions? Did you see improvement? Regardless of assessment that focuses only on the candidateshow skilled the salesperson is, this practice helps you innate ability, rather than on their education, expe- understand their coachability and willingness to learn. rience, and background. This allows you to focus solely on how your candidate is hard-wired and theirPanel Interview potential for excellence in the job role while eliminat-ing unconscious bias that may otherwise interfere.Sometimes, several heads really are better than one. Consistent practice will help you increase diversityHaving a variety of people, in a variety of jobs, sit down and equity in your selection process.and interview a candidate can give some interesting insights. One interviewer may be particularly tuned in Go in with your eyes wide opento the candidates positivity, while another picks up on an intensity that makes them uncomfortable. Listen to Its important to understand the whole personeveryones impressions to get a well-rounded feel for before making a hiring decision, but dont go it alone!this candidate. And remember, choose a comfortable Schedule time with a Certified Talent Analyst to bettersetting at a round table, so it feels more like a friendly understand your candidates strengths and weak- get-together and less like a tribunal. nesses and discover how those talents work together. During your feedback calls, you will learn about theirJob Auditions and Projects likely behaviors and how they will need to be coached in order to maximize their strengths and realize theirHiring managers invest time and energy into finding full potential. You will also walk away with a powerfuland qualifying candidates, and, if hired, will invest a list of interview questions you can use when you meetlot more. No matter how great an interview process with your candidate next so you can gain a betteris, no one can truly know how someone will fit in with sense of whether they may be a good fit for the job,a companys culture and perform in the role until they team, and organization.actually do some work for the company. This is where job auditions or projects come in. Dig DeeperWhen giving a candidate the opportunity to work on The candidate showed up prepared, was articulate,a project or even come in for a trial day to actually and made a great first impression. You should hirework in the environment, you will want to determine them right? Not necessarily and not yet. While a greatwhat you want them to work on to get a good picture first interview is important, its just a first step. Con- of their style and skills. Then, give them all of the infor-sider using one or more of the following to make suremation they need, clear expectations, and a timeline/they are the right person.deadline to follow. If appropriate, you may want to 70 The 90-Day Quitting Trend and how to Overcome it'