b'RECRUITMENTreplaced LinkedIn in the numberleaders have found top performingemployees that lead to excellence two spot.salespeoplethroughreferralsin managers roles.Searching LinkedIn and watchingmore frequently than any other forleadershiptalentswithinrecruiting method. More than 30%8-year Sales of superstar sellers were found your organization can pay off.through referrals. Superstar Study LinkedIn and internal hiring topWe compiled our research from the list as the most common way our clients found superstar salesTop three waysthe past eight years in the chart belowThis is a list of the top talent managers. our clients foundsources and the percentage of Top three wayssuperstar salesexamples we received in each. managers in 2022: Lets look at each of the top 3 trends our clients foundalong with tips for using each one SUPERSTARsuperstar salespeopleLinkedInto find your own Sales Superstars:in 2022: Internal Hires ReferralsReferrals: 1 Referrals STUDY 2.Job Boards (Indeed,Trend: Hiring internally has been inReferrals leads the list for the 8th Finding Sales Superstars for open po-ZipRecruiter, etc.)the top three for the past two yearsyear in a row as the number one as common ways to find superstarand most effective way to recruit 3.Competitionsalesmanagers.Leadersaretalented candidates Trend: During the past eight years,recognizing the talents in currentsitions.Talentlovestalent!Start 8-year SalesFinding Sales Superstars 2% 2%Superstar Study3% 3% 2%Referrals (35)31%3% 31%LinkedIn (15)13%4%Corporate Recruiter (10)9% Competition (9)8%6%Company Website/Applied directly (8)7% Internal Hire (8)7% Job Boards (Indeed, ZipRecruiter, etc.) (7)6%7%Advertising (5)4% Social Media (Other than LinkedIn) (3)3% Rehired Former Employee (Current Company) (3)3% 7%Local College (3)3%13%Former Colleague (Previous Company) (2)2% 8%Intern Program (2)2%9%Professional/Community Organizations (Non-profits, Boards, etc.) (2)2% Superstar Study 27 www.TheCenterforSalesStrategy.com Finding Sales Superstars Data Chart-B2B www.TheCenterforSalesStrategy.com Finding Sales Superstars Data Chart-B2B'