b'SELECTIONWhile there is no way to completely immunize the hiring process against quitters, steps can be taken to minimize the likelihood that a new hire will leave so abruptly. provide compensation as well. This will give you insightCompany Culture into the quality of their work as well as their ability toEvery hire you make will either add to or detract from ask questions, provide updates, and meet deadlines.your company culture. Before extending an offer make Very valuable when you are considering whether theysure the candidates mission, vision, and values align could be a good fit for the job.with yours and consider how they will collaborate and Need a new business developer?communicate with those on the team. Once you bring them on board, make them feel con-It is more important than ever that hiring manag- nected to your culture as quickly as possible. Welcome ers define new business development expectationsvideos from team members, meet and greets, and com-early and make them crystal clear. The last thing anypany swag are all great ways to get new hires excited hiring manager needs is to put time and energy intoabout joining the company. The more excited they are, onboarding their next great hunter, just to have themand the more they fit in, the more likely they will show quit because they hate prospecting and cold calling.up on that first day and grow into long-term employees. A popular technique for a new business developmentSet yourself up for long-term job is to give them the assignment to bring you a list of 100 prospects that they think they could call on insuccess! their first weeks on the job. Go over that list togetherFinding the right candidate, hiring, training, coaching, and cross off the ones that are already customers, onand watching them grow into a valued and productive someone elses prospect list, or not qualified. Then askmember of the team is hard and time-consuming, but them to fill in the holes, so they have a solid list of 100ultimately one of the most rewarding tasks for a hiring prospects. This exercise will give you insight into howmanager. Creating a great recruitment, selection, and they handle frustration, and it will give them insightonboarding plan is worth the effort and will pay amazing into the realities of prospecting.dividends for your team.The 90-Day Quitting Trend and how to Overcome it71'