b'RECRUITMENTfeedback call with the CSS Talent Analysts. We lookcess and be ready for them day one. Little things can at their individual assessments, but we also fold insometimes slip through the cracks. Having things the team composite to see how they can add to thelaid out in the Onboarding Checklist ensures every-team and bring up the overall level of talent. We wantone who joins the team has a similar experience. The to make sure that they are a fit with the people weGrowth Guide has also been great to helping us better already have on the team.understand how individuals want to be managed, Charles: We feel really good about the team we havewhether they are brand new or have been here for in place right now, so anyone new coming in needs toyears. Weve really enjoyed those conversations.be the right fit for the team. We also look to individualChristy: The series gave me a clear picture of the talents and how those will mesh with the leadershipyounger generation now entering the workforce and team. We want to avoid a bad mixture of strengthshow to communicate and understand them better and weaknesses with their manager.throughout the recruitment process. Christy: Ive had our consultant look at the assess- Joe: It really reinforced the importance of a Team ment with me so I can ask questions and review theComposite and the power of the Talent Analyst Feed-individual talents. I will also ask if they have a Birkmanback Calls before we bring someone on to the team. to get some insight into their emotional IQ. I want to make sure someone is the right fit for me as well as the team.What advice or recommendations would you give a new manager, or to someone Are there specific talents you alwaysstruggling to find quality candidates in pay attention to? Do you have anythe current recruitment market? required talents?Charles: Take the time, even if its only 15 minutes, to Christy: I always look for a Recommend first, becauserun through their assessment with a Talent Analyst. I trust the process, but there are four talents I wantThey do a great job to help you understand anything to see: Individualizer, Relationship, Responsibility, andthat might be a red flag. They also highlight work-Problem Solver. If they are low in all four of those,arounds for weaknesses by using their strengths to then I am concerned. I need to know what they havehelp with things we might not naturally see. I would in other areas that will help compensate. Will theyrecommend that all day long. be shooting star that will be up and down, or even someone that will never take off? Honestly, I dontJoe: Be diligent in the process. Treat the candidate know how we hired before we had these tools andlike the sales processcommunicate and gauge their insights.level of interest and responsiveness to determine Joe: My number one talent is Positivity. I need to seehow you move them forward. at least a situational talent of Positivity, otherwise I dont think they can be successful on the team. I willMy thanks to Charles, Christy, and Joe for their time also look to Problem Solver and Relationship consis- and insight. Simply put, recruit all year long, lose sleep tently.before you hire, not after, and use the full scope of your tools and resources. What are one or two takeaways from the Recruitment to Retention Series that youre implementing in your current process? Charles: The Growth Guide and the Onboarding Checklist. After all the time and energy we put into finding and hiring, we want to have a consistent pro-How One Market Refined Their Recruitment Game41'