b'ENGAGEMENTEngagementTHREE LEVELS OF How bright is your campfire?EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENTBecause company leaders value strong sales, revenue growth, profitability, efficiency, and expense reduction,1.Engagedthey must also pay attention to and measure employeeActively working to create engagement.aspark and constantlystoking the re.We liken the three levels of employee engagement to what you would see at your company campfire. Imagine all your employees sitting around your com- 2.Not Engagedpanys campfire. Those engaged are actively rubbingMaking no e\x1eort, feet sticks together to create the spark and constantly stok- kicked up.ing the fire. Those not engaged are lounging around the campfire with their feet kicked up and letting others do the work, and the actively disengaged are dumping water on the fire and removing logs.3.Actively DisengagedDumping water on the reTHREE LEVELS OF With that campfire image in mind, its especially excit- and removing logs.ing to see that 77% of respondents feel emotionallyEMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENTconnected and committed to their company and the work they are doing. They are all in. That sizable majority is actively making their company campfire1.Engageddisengaged. At first glance, engagement numbers look brighter every day.pretty good. 77% of respondents report being com-Actively working to create aspark and constantlymitted to the work they are doing and willing to give However, that leaves nearly a quarter (23%) of peoplestoking the re.who describe themselves as either Not Engaged orit their all, but that leaves 1 in 4 who are either lacking Disengaged. Even more concerning, 11% of respon- that commitment or are already checked out. A busi-ness cannot operate at full throttle when a quarter of its dents reported feeling disconnected from their com- 2.Not Engagedpanies and the work they are doing, agreeing thatemployees are not actively engaged, so this is the time Making no e\x1eort, feet for company leaders to take a hard look at their current while they are physically present, they can be emo- kicked up.tionally absent. Sadly, these disengaged few can haveculture and identify what needs to be done to engage an overwhelmingly negative effect on the operation oftheir laggers and increase performance. an organization, and it dampens the perspective of theActions speak louder than words, and employees will engaged employees.3.Actively Disengagedultimately demonstrate their personal level of engage-Dumping water on the rement with their actions. Even though 77% of respon-It can be difficult for an engaged employee to work withand removing logs.those who are not equally committed to the mission.dents currently report being engaged in their work, 46% While they are actively stoking the fire, it feels frustratinghave considered looking for another job. Employees to see others pouring water on it. This report shows thatare even more likely to have their antennae up than 84% of those surveyed believe that some or a fewtheir managers at 54%. Of large concern, one-quarter employees at their company are actively disengaged.of those surveyed report actively looking for a new Sadly, there are even 10% who say that most of theirposition elsewhere. co-workers are actively disengaged, and 32% believeResearch shows that you join a company, but you quit their company has a serious engagement problem.a boss. When leaders demonstrate they care and strive to retain their people, good things happen. Turnover: Feeling the Churn!Unfortunately, this years data shows that only 58% Its time to transform your business by engaging thebelieve their leadership team consistently strives to ENGAGE 2023: The Company Culture Report 11782% OF SURVEY RESPONDENTS BELIEVE UP TO A QUARTER OF THEIR COWORKERS ARE ACTIVELY DISENGAGED.'