b'DEVELOPMENTutive coach reviewed all the findings with him and dis-cussed a variety of proven strategies he could use to increase his performance. Feeling energized, he began working his plan right away. Heregularlyconnected with his executive coach to discuss his progress, signs ofimprovement,sources offrustration,andongo-ing growth, and it quickly became clear that he was highly motivated to push himself out of his comfort zone. Results that Make a Difference Hishardworkpaidoff! Althoughhisinitial360 resultswereverystrong across the board, his fol-low-up survey showed both overall improvement andThe Value of an Executive Coach measurable growth in the specific areas he identifiedThis manager especially appreciated the fact that as his priorities.the 360 Executive Strength Coaching program gave This manager was extremely receptive to feedbackhim a professional coach who served as an advisor, a and willing to change his behaviors to achieve greatercheerleader, and a guide to ensure he never lost focus. success, and that desire to grow was apparent in theAlthough he is competitive by nature and naturally outcomes he achieved. His second survey showedfocused on achievement, his coach ensured forward scores of 100% in three of his talents: Focus, Leader,movement and kept his motivation high. and Business Thinking, meaning his survey participants reported positive behaviors in every aspect measuredThe Happy Ending in those three areas. He also received scores rangingThis manager found himself surrounded by a team who from 80-100% in his other talent themes, which iswas confident in his leadership ability and who trusted extremely strong.him to care for them and lead them in the right direc-One of his priorities during his executive coaching pro- tion. It didnt take long for him to reach his next career gram was to maximize his People Acumen talents, bothgoal, moving into the VP position in his market. the Relationship and Caring talents. He focused heav- As a true believer in this program, this manager con-ily on the related strategies and, as a result, grew antinues to invest in his direct reports by giving them additional 5% in those areas. Potentially and even sig- the opportunity to participate in the 360 Executive nificant, he began to see evidence of his improvementStrength Coaching program and elevate their careers in his daily work life. It became increasingly apparentas well. that his team knew that he cared about them as much as the company mission and the bottom line. 360 Executive Strength Coaching95'