b'ENGAGEMENTENGAGEMENT TA K E AWAY SWhat you need to know about Engagement to turn talent into performance.Your organization has a culture, whether youSatisfaction and engagement arent the same like it or not. Culture is the DNA, or personality, ofthing. Satisfied employees are primarily focused on your organization. It has a direct impact on employeewhat they get from their organization, while engaged engagementyour teams emotional commitmentemployees are primarily focused on what they can and willingness to give their best at work. Highgive to the organization. Engagement is what anchors employee engagement leads to higher revenue,a person to their job. retention, and profitability. Engaged, not engaged, and actively disengagedYour highly valuable engaged employees are are the three levels of employee engagement still at risk for burnout. Although they may be Imagine your employees are sitting around a camp- ready and willing to take on more, be sure to fairly fire. Your engaged employees are actively rubbingevaluate their workload and consistently provide rec-sticks together to create a spark and are consistentlyognition. Promoting work-life blend is also a proven stoking the fire. Your not engaged employees arestrategy to counteract burnout. lounging around with their feet kicked up, roastingA strong culture is possible anywhere. The key their marshmallows. Your actively disengagedto a strong, successful culture isnt where you work, employees are dumping water on your fire andits how intentional you are about building it. Instead removing logs.of asking, What about our culture? in a hybrid or The Four Engagement Elevators are provenremote environment, ask yourself, Are we being tools to Up your culture and elevate employeeintentional about our culture? engagement. Shared Mission provides a strongYour Core Values serve as the rules of the game sense of purpose, People Development supportsfor success. Identify your Core Values, define them, the growth of each individual employee, Valuedand be sure to recognize and celebrate behaviors Voice promotes open and honest two-way commu- that align with them. And equally as importantnication, and Earned Trust ensures everyone always means what they say and can be trusted to do whatrefuse to tolerate behaviors that dont align with is expected of them.your Core Values. If people dont trust you, they wont follow you A good culture attracts great employees. People Building trust with your team is one of the mostwant to work for organizations with strong cultures, important things you can do to be an effective leaderwhere they feel a sense of purpose in their work. and deliver results. Trust isnt just about integrity, itsCompanies with strong cultures are targeted by 94% also about accountability, clarity, and consistency.of jobseekers. 144 Engagement Takeaways'