b'RECRUITMENTshare posts from your company that help others under- For example, Chick-Fil-A is widely known for having a stand the culture and value of your organization. Youstrong employer brand. They are highly responsive and can also share blogs from other companies and includecustomer-focused, always delivering service with a a thought-provoking question at the top of your post tosmile.promote interaction. As Amazons Jeff Bezos said, Your brand is what other If you use a validated talent assessment, share yourpeople say about you when youre not in the room. assessment link and include hiring hashtags to drawTake the time to find out what your current employer more people to your post. And always make sure no onebrand looks like.walks away empty-handed. Make it a habit to share aGoogle your organization to see how youre presenting potential candidates Top Talent Report with them afteryourself to your potential talent bank deposits. Find they take the assessment. out what people think of your company and ensure it matches who you really are. The stronger your Determine Your Must Haves employer brand, the higher the quality of employees Talent Bank deposits will come with many differentyou will attract and retain.combinations of talents, skills, and experiences. Remember The Growth FormulaRemember, talent is someones innate ability and canThe Growth Formula is (Talent + Fit) x Investment = be measured through a validated talent assessment.Growth.Skills and experience are learned and gained over time. Determine your talent, skills, and experience mustTalent is someones innate ability to achieve success haves and identify the qualities that would be the icingin a role. We often compare talent to land. Talent, like on the cake if youre able to find them. land, cant be built or created, but it can be cultivated for growth. The more someones talents align with the For example, imagine youre hiring someone who willnecessary talents for a given role, the higher potential primarily have a new business development role. Athey have for success.must-have may be the talent of Relationship, so they easily and quickly connect with others. It would be won- Fit has to do with how well someone will fit in a given derful if they came in with a strong network of pros- role, with the team, with the company, and with your pects and had a background knowledge of the industry,style of management. Personality, skills, and experi-but those two things arent deal breakers. They could beences all have an impact on fit. Just because someone acquired over time with your organization. has the innate talent to be successful in a job, doesnt mean theyre the right fit for your personal style, your If youve held yourself to the goal you set for talent bankteam dynamic, your clients, or your company culture. deposits, your must-haves will help you sort throughDont focus too much attention on how someone looks the large number of candidates youve collected. on paper. Pay just as much attention to fit.When you get both talent and fit right, you are able to Explore Your Employer Brand make an investment that will really pay off. Your invest-As you attract attention on LinkedIn and social media,ment includes all of the coaching, training, relation-potentialcandidateswillcertainlyresearchyourship development, and support that you provide your employer brand. Your employer brand refers to yourpeople.companys identity and your reputation as an employer. Mastering the talent, fit, and investment pieces of the Its about the general perception of your companyequation will help you achieve the growth you want. as a place to work. It also includes your EmployeeWith the strength of the team lying in each individual Value Proposition, which is the set of benefits that anmember, growth within one person will help grow the employee receives in exchange for their talent, skills,organization overall.and experience.A Quick Guide to Acquiring Top Talent53'