b'SELECTIONWhy is this happening?company. They have years of experience in sales and Hiring managers and HR professionals began express- maybe even management to bring to the table. They ing more concern about the growing trend of newcome in expecting a strong book of business and are hires leaving the job in the first 90 days prior to 2019,unprepared for the increasing expectations for new but when the pandemic hit, the job market becamebusiness development. They remember prospecting flooded with people being furloughed or laid off. If aas a new seller, didnt like it then, and like it even less company happened to be hiring in 2020, they had theirnow. They quit, deciding on a career change. Again, pick of candidates which made dealing with employeetheir sales talent is lost to the industry. turnover slightly less painful.While there is no way to completely immunize the Over the next couple of years, companies dealt withhiring process against quitters, steps can be taken to the Great Resignation, a plethora of openings, andminimize the likelihood that a new hire will leave so limited job candidates to fill them. The tables hadabruptly. Use these strategies while hiring to make turned. Suddenly talented candidates had their pick ofsure you match the right person to each job so well positions, and hiring managers became desperate tothey dont want to leave! hire quickly. Between December 2021 and December 2022, there was an alarming uptick in new hires whoSpec out the Job lasted only days or weeks in a sales position beforeAs any fisherman knows, using the right bait is vital to leaving for an easier job. The Jobvite Job Seeker Nationcatching the right type of fish. When trying to find the reports that the number of people who quit their jobsright type of candidates, its important to make sure in the first 90 days rose from 1 in 5 in 2019 to almostyoure fishing with the right bait. A well-thought-out 1 in 3 in 2022.Job Analysis and Spec Sheet help define that bait. What this looks like in salesWhat will this role require? today.What is the new business development expecta-tion? When we study the salespeople who are making it lessAre there any accounts to be assigned, and how than 90 days, we are seeing two common scenarios.well are they performing? First, the newbie seller: What level of experience is required? Are you open Fresh from college or a different industry, the inexpe- to someone with the right talent but no experi-rienced candidate, takes their first sales job. They haveence? the innate talents and strengths to be good, maybeDetermine which Talents to even great sellers. They dont have any experience prospecting, but how hard can it be? They go throughTarget onboarding, are shown how to prospect, and are thenOnce the Job analysis is complete, ask yourself, what expected to jump in and try. They last a few months,are the must-have talents necessary for success in just long enough to truly hate prospecting but not longthis role? For example, a new business development enough to become proficient or have success. Theyrole will require significantly different talents than quit around 90 days, already having their next job linedan Account Management role. So which talents are up, one that is easier and doesnt involve prospecting.non-negotiable? They vow to never do sales again because its just too hard. Their sales talent is now lost to the industry.Post the job in the right Also, the experienced seller:language Looking for a new opportunity, the seasoned seller,Now that you know what youre fishing for, its time with a great combination of talent and skill, joins a newto find the right bait. When creating a job post, have The 90-Day Quitting Trend and how to Overcome it69'