b'DEVELOPMENTTalent Focused ManagementSales management is tough! It requires you to juggle multiple important priorities while also driv-ing performance, recruiting top talent, developing and retaining your people, and serving your customers. This simulation workshop provides you with the opportunity to work in teams to make decisions that will drive overall sales performance. While one team will win the competition, every-one will leave with valuable insight into talent and performance and be better prepared to drive performance in their sales operations.Team Builder SeriesThis four-session workshop series is designed to bring an entire team together to build trusting relationships, improve collaboration, better handle conflict, and boost productivity. Employees will enjoy the dynamic content and the interactive nature of the program. The sessions are spread out to allow participants to use their new skills and build strong habits between sessions. Up Your Culture Executive WorkshopAt the end of this 3-hour strategic workshop, your senior management team will have developed or refined your core values and reason for being. This Shared Mission workshop takes company lead-ers through our proven process to identify their organizations core values and define their reason for being. By the end of this virtual workshop, the executive leaders of your organization will have a North Star to guide your company to a stronger culture, increased employee engagement, and improved business performance. Tools: Field CoachingThe best managers know you cant coach from the locker room. You have to make time to go in the field to observe the person you are coaching, help them identify what they did well, and look for opportunities in which they can improve. We can provide you with the Field Coaching Fundamentals and Field Coachs Notes you need to grow your people rapidly. Growth GuideEvery individual has a unique set of talents, interests, goals, motivations, and work styles. The Growth Guide helps you to better understand your direct reports! It will guide you to establish a few Priority Strategies for each individual that are unique to them and their needs. Its a critical way to show your people that you care about each one of them, and it inevitably leads to stronger relationships and performance development. 110 How We Help with Development'