b'RECRUITMENTvital to your success. The cost of replacing someone you hire is huge. The Society for Human Resource Management(SHRM)reported that the average cost to replace someone equates to 6-9 months of their salary. This includes all your recruiting efforts and the training you provided along the way. Spend-ing extra time upfront to ensure the culture fit is right will save you in the future.Company Culture Matters to Job SeekersThe company culture you have is a game-changer for job seekers. Candidates are looking for who you authentically are as a company and what you represent. They are looking to see if your overall vision aligns with who they are. Strong company cultures have been at the top of job seekers for years,paying close attention to yours.increase.with expectations they have withMake sure you can clearly articu- Our companys Core Values are a company. late your Reason for Being (why youQuality, Integrity, and Responsive-Louis V. Gerstner, Jr, the formerexist) and your Core Values and takeness. All of these words align with CEO of IBM shared how importantthe time to ensure your candidate ismy personal brand, allowing me your culture is to candidates whenin alignment.to be myself at work, every day, he said: If you dont have company Coreauthentically.Until I came to IBM, I probablyValues, that is a great place to begin.Sharing who you are as a company would have told you that cultureYour Core Values set expectations: allows others to decide if they feel was just one among several import- How you treat each other andyou are their people and want to ant elements in any organizationswork together join your team. Salary and perks are makeup and successalong withHow you talk to each other important to people, but the fit they vision, strategy, marketing, finan- are looking for is a deciding factor.cials, and the like I came to see,The way work is assigned and in my time at IBM, that culture isntcompleted Share with candidates who you are just one aspect of the game, it is theThese Core Values cant just beand ask questions to ensure that game. In the end, an organizationwords on the wall or aspirations.they also align with your company. is nothing more than the collec- These words must be authentic andNatural talents, experience, and tive capacity of its people to createrepresent who you are as a com- skills are important when filling a value. pany. Otherwise, people quickly dis- role, but FIT truly matters both for Hes right. Company Culture is thatcover that the company isnt rightyou and your candidates.important and your candidates arefor them, and your turnover ratesJob Seekers Are Judging Your Company Culture 45'