b'RESOURCESTeam Development Through Reading: Books We Read in 2022By Deborah FulghumSenior Talent Analyst and Culture Coach,The Center for Sales Strategy and Up Your CultureA t our company, our employees crave growthAllows you to become inspired. Your imagination and development. One way we add to thisis open to running freely as you read. You can focus is through our quarterly book club. Ourlearn how to solve problems, find someone who business book club is different from most, as wehas run into similar problems as you, and learn all read a book we are interested in, not one we allfrom their successes and mistakes.read together. It is easy to believe the myth that you dont have Having a book club where we all read different busi- time to read, that you are just too busy. Let that ness books exposes us to a huge library to exploreexcuse go!that we may not have thought of before. It alsoOne of the books a few of us read this year was allows us to grow in areas that appeal to us. Atomic Habits. What stood out was that we all have Reading is one of the major habits successful peopledaily habits, but what if we added a new habit to the have in common. For instance, Bill Gates reads 50mix? James Clear offered the idea of habit stack-books per year, Warrant Buffett reads 500 pagesing, which would be an easy way to add reading to every day, and Mark Cuban reads 3+ hours a day. your daily routine. Adding a new habit of reading for 15-20 minutes daily is an easy way to begin.How Reading Improves31 Books to Help Develop Leadership Skills Yourself in 2023Reading can improve your business and leadershipImagine how you can develop yourself in 2023 if you skills in many ways: pick up a book. To get you started with ideas, here Expands your vocabulary. When you are exposedare the books people in our to various writing styles, voices, and deliverycompany read this year.methods, your verbal and communication style improves.Fosters a growth mindset. Reading takes the mind to places you havent traveled before. To develop yourself personally, this is one of the easiest and quickest ways to do so. Reading exposes you to ideas and new ways of doing things you may not have thought of before.Team Development Through Reading: Books We Read in 2022 149'