b'ENGAGEMENT STRAIGHT FROM THE expertsDont ConfuseBeing in the Officewith Culture By Kate RehlingTalent Analyst and Engagement Specialist, The Center for Sales Strategy and Up Your CultureA s many companies experiment with hybrid workA lack of physical togetherness in hybrid and remote models, one question stands out from the rest:environments has pushed these leaders to be more What about our culture? Its a common beliefintentional. And its having a positive impact on culture! that culture is tethered to physical togetherness. Teams,In-office experiences are now more meaningful because Zoom, Slack, and email cant possibly build relationshipsthey occur less often. People dont go in to work just to as close as those formed when everyones in the office.go in to work. They go in for a specific purpose. On-sites As it turns out, that common belief isnt true. A recenthave become the new off-sites and team members are Gallup study found that hybrid employees feel morewalking away from them rejuvenated and motivated. connected to their organizations culture than those inInstead of rallying around the water cooler, leaders are the office full-time.inspiring people to rally around their organizations pur-If you rely on being in person for your culture, thats notpose statement, or their why. Theyre making sure really culture at all. Believing people need to see youreveryone understands the difference theyre making Core Values posted in the hallway and your Purposeand their impact on the organization as a whole. As Statement in the conference room is more a marketingHoward Schultz, former CEO of Starbucks said, When tactic than anything else.youre surrounded by people who share a passionate Culture is the DNA, or personality, of your organization. Itscommitment around a common purpose, anything is the way you do things around there. Every organizationpossible. has a culture, regardless of work model. The key to a suc- Leaders are also more intentional about communication cessful culture isnt where you work, its how intentionaloutside of the office. Without the ability to pass each you are. Instead of asking, What about our culture? askother in the hallway or knock on someones office door yourself, Are we intentional about our culture?to chat, many leaders have developed rituals to ensure 136 Dont Confuse Being in the Office with Culture'