b'SELECTIONinterview. It helps us explore talents that are softer to see if those areas will get in the way or not. We also complete Pre-hire feedback calls with a CSS Talent Analyst. There is a lot of value in those calls. At TEGNA Tampa, candidate tracking is also an essen-tial component of their selection process. They hold themselves accountable for a fair evaluation of each candidate, so they put metrics against it, using a grad-ing scale to evaluate each candidate and weight dif-ferent metrics based on the needs of the position. These metrics include the STA score, competencies in TEGNA Tampas products, the strength of their core business, the candidates ability to have a business and marketing conversation, red flags, positive and negative references, and their overall fit. They score each candidate individually using a weighted 1-5 grad-ing scale and then review their scores together as a group since alignment is critical to success for their team. Once the candidate pool has been narrowed down, this team doesnt take its foot off the accelerator. They take the time to conduct thorough reference checks, going beyond the references provided by the candidate and also searching for other references on their own. They listen for cues when interviewing, and make note of names the candidate may refer-ence, people they have worked with, and contactsHeather Rubio, Local Sales Manager, TEGNA Tampathey have in common. Heather explains that during this part of the process, We also mine LinkedIn to find common contacts. If they arent in our industryfor themselves. Their two most recent hires, who they or local, we use what they gave us and then ask thoseensured had the right talent, skills, and experience for references for other references. They typically willthe role, have already achieved all combined revenue provide that for us. Heather explains that while thismetrics for the last 5 out of 6 quarters. extensive process is exhausting in a good way, it also helps them find the right fit for the position. SheBravo for Heather Rubio and her entire management shared, The more we do upfront, the more success- team for investing time and dedication in the selec-ful our hire will be.tion process. They prove every day that hiring tough can make managing easier in the long run. Defining The success of TEGNA Tampas selection process canthe role clearly, determining the must-have charac-be seen in their recent hires. Because they recognizeteristics, using the right selection tools, conducting new hires wont see revenue success immediately,thorough reference checks, and working together are they dont even give them budgets until after theirall crucial components of finding the right candidate extensive training and onboarding process. Althoughfor the job. they may not have hard metrics to look at right away, Heather says, What we do see quickly is if they areWhen you get the talent and fit right, your new hires a good fit. They have found that when they get thewill be able to thrive more quickly and contribute to talent and fit right, the team embraces them morethe organizations success. quickly, and they flourish faster. Their results speak Hire Tough so you can Manage Easy65'