b'SELECTIONSELECTIONC A S ES T U DY: Internal Selection Leads to Strong Succession Plan By Emily EsteySenior Vice President and Senior Consultant, The Center for Sales StrategyW and counsel. His positivity and relationship talents e all know how important it is to have a strong Talent Bank so we can continuallyare apparent without even looking at his STA. They make deposits as we recruit and set our- turned to him for help, and he was more than willing selves up for success when roles open up in the future.to offer advice and guidance. He was a leader and a A Talent Bank allows us to fill seats more quickly andteam player. with stronger talent.Another thing Susan noticed was that Steve approached This case study focuses on how a Talent Bank can provesales as a business person which enabled him to meet just as valuable with the internal selection of currentwith decision makers to focus on solutions and out-employees. Were going to focus on a new VP of Salescomes. He moved at another level with his contacts and the talent she spotted in a seller with great man- and approach, so it was clear that he understood agement potential.Hubbards business goals which aligned him well with Susans vision for her team. When Susan Karis joined Hubbard Phoenix as VP of Sales, she knew she had a great AE in Steve Moynihan.So, he was not only a great leader but also someone He had a proven track record not only for the time hedthat Susan could trust and whose behavior she would been at Hubbard but in his career overall.want the rest of team to model. Perfect. Susan added Steve to her management talent bank and eventually, Susan also saw something else. She noticed the restwhen the time was right, plucked him out and pro-of her team gravitated toward Steve. As a salesper- moted him to National Sales Manager. Right away, son, Steve was a natural leader, Susan said. It wasSusan found Steve using his natural problem-solving obvious that the team gravitated toward him for inputtalents, which, paired with his desire to move things 66 Internal Selection Leads to Strong Succession Plan'