b'ENGAGEMENTYour disengaged employees are removing logs from the fire, frequently dousing the flames, and making every-one else feel a little less happy to be there. According to the latest Gallup data, heres what the aver-age U.S. companys campfire looks like:32% of employees are tending to the fire and ensur-ing it continues to burn bright.Over 50% sit back with their feet kicked up, content to let others do the work.18% are removing logs, dousing the flames, and making everyone else less happy.If you want more people gathered around and feeling excited about maintaining a roaring campfire, you need to create a culture that engages them.The good news is that there are ways to increase engage-ment on your team, and this guide will walk you throughThese four Engagement Elevators are an essential part the steps you can take to create a culture where peopleof building and maintaining a healthy, productive work-feel connected to one another and committed to theirforce.work.How Do Companies Improve TheirCommon Obstacles that Stand Culture and Elevate Engagement? in the Way of a Strong Company CultureA thriving company culture supports shared values andWhile a strong culture can be a huge asset, its also goals, people development, open communication chan- hard to buildand even harder to maintain. Its not nels between departments, trustworthiness amongenough to simply aim for a great company culture. It leaders and employees alike, and an overall sense ofwont just fall into place. Instead, you have to actively belonging within the team. work on improving your company culture every day. Organizations with the best cultures focus on the FourHere are some common obstacles that often stand in Engagement Elevators: the way of company culture:Shared Mission: Employees have a clear sense of1 It can be difficult to know what your culture actu-where theyre going as a company and why theyreally is. Like an untended garden, a culture will working so hard to get there. develop even without intention, but it wont be People Development: Leaders demonstrate genu- the culture you necessarily want. Its important ine caring for their people and are invested in theirthat company leaders clearly identify their mis-growth. sion, vision, values, and expectations and then communicate that consistently in both their words Valued Voice: There is strong two-way communi- and their behaviors.cation between departments, and because people2.Lip service. Its easy for leaders to talk about the value the input of others, employees feel comfort- importance of culture and employee engagement, able sharing their opinions. but if theyre not doing the work (all the time), it will Earned Trust: An overall environment of transpar- feel false and have a negative effect on employees. ency gives employees confidence in company deci- Leaders must do what they say they will do and sions and faith in the integrity of their leaders. prioritize people in their daily actions.The Ultimate Guide to Company Culture 141'