b'SELECTIONThe Process ture of exactly what someone will need to be successful Like with almost everything else in life, if you have ain this job, and ask them for the names of people that smart, effective, repeatable process, you will seesound like the right match.greater and more consistent results. Do this through email, LinkedIn, and other forms of Youll want to build the process that works best for yoursocial media. Use the nominator system in which you ask those you respect and trust to consider specific organization, but Ill share a good one that has provenbehaviors. results for me. Expert tip: dont skip steps! For example, Who do you know who is extremely but-By the way, heres why I especially like this processittoned-up and able to handle highly complex accounts eliminates the personal bias that is often the underlyingwithout making mistakes? Or, Who do you know who culprit behind bad hires. is highly persuasive and somehow seems to always get Most good recruiters will agree that your lens becomesyou to see things from their perspective? foggy when interviewing someone who has a sparkling personalityyou dont see their true talents clearly.3. Initial ContactYou also can have what many call glare if you have aWhen you reach out to your new prospective candi-lot in commonlike you went to the same high schooldate, remember to state the behaviors you were look-or college, or you grew up in the same neighborhood. ing for and the reason why you are calling them.Just because you share these common experiences,For example, I mentioned to John Smith that I needed does not mean they will be the right salesperson tosomeone to join our team who was extremely but-perform in your job. Always begin with a clear under- toned-up, able to handle complex accounts without standing of who that person is at their core and howmaking errors, and highly persuasive. He recommended they are innately wired to behave. In other words, knowthat I contact you because you are a natural at those their talents.things. I would love to set up a time to give you some more information about our company and get to know Then Follow These Steps you better as well. 1. Analyze the Job and Spec It Out Collect a resume if it feels appropriate but consider the resume as only one of many resources you have Before you consider who you might interview, put theavailable during your selection process. Its a good ini-open position under the microscope and examine ittial filter to help you sort through many candidates by carefully. looking at their past experiences, but after this initial For example, when hiring an Account Manager, you willstep, you will want to begin looking closely for talent. want to ask yourself which accounts you will assign,Check them out on social media as well.how much new business development you will expect,4. Initial Meeting and Talent Assessment and the kinds of expertise you will need. Spec it out. Make a list of the specific talents, skills, and Mostmanagers are pretty good at inspecting a candi-experiences that a person would need to be successfuldates experience; the problem is that experience is a in this position. Make it like you would a shopping listsurprisingly poor indicator of future success. for the grocery storenot like a pie-in-the-sky wishA far better indicator is underlying talent, and hiring list; write down the must-have items that are non-ne- man agers are rarely effective at assessing talent with-gotiable so you have specific minimum requirements toout a reliable assessment instrument. compare your candidates against.A strong standardized talent assessment will ultimately 2. Fill Your Funnel determine if this person has the right combination and intensity of talents to be successful in your open posi-Share your list with others so they can get a clear pic- tion, provide a detailed analysis and hiring recommen-76 The Simple Truth about Recruitment and Selection'