b'DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPMENTC A S ES T U DY: Strength Coaching for the Win! By Kelly GeorgeTalent Analyst and Engagement Specialist,The Center for Sales Strategy and Up Your CultureU leveragingthosehow we grow, and I wouldnt befor success when onboarding. At nderstanding our strengths andthe manager I am today withoutTownsquare, every new hire gets strengths to increase per- it.a copy of their Top Talent Report formance is a here-to-stay priorityTalent is a buzzword were hearingto review and they are reminded for organizations looking to find,everywhere right now. Organiza- that using these talents together develop, and retain top talent.tions big and small are elevatingwill help them succeed. They also Researchconsistentlydemon- talent to the top of their priorityhave a Strength Development call strates that organizations withlistsbymakingacommitmentwith a CSS Talent Analyst to review performance and developmenttheir individual Top Talents, their coaching are more likely to have aof time, resources, and financesfirst 90-day goals, and strategies higher ROI for their investment into identify and coach top talent.that can help them achieve those talent. I recently had the opportu- As Traci shared, Everyone hasgoals. nity to spend time with Traci Davis,something they bring to the table. Director of Sales at TownsquareThe key is finding out what theirFormoretenuredemployees, Media in Evansville/Owensboro,strengths are, focusing on thoseTraci has a few favorite go-to tools to learn more about Townsquaresstrengths, and using their talentsandbestpracticesforprovid-talent focus and key strategies forto grow in their career. My peopleing talent feedback and strength strength management coaching.are my priority and I want them tocoaching. People are quick to be feel empowered and know that Ihard on themselves, so for that Each of us has experience receiv- am here to help in any way I can.reason, I like to remind them what ing feedback and coaching in ourThere is a saying, Be the kind ofmakes them great. For example, if roles, whether as a leader or as anpersonyouneededwhenyouI see one of my people in a slump, individual contributor. Traci notedwere young. I want to be the kindI like to share some of their more that shes been very fortunateof manager to my people that Irecent successes with them to to receive strong feedback andalso want in a manager.help remind them they are good coaching thats helped her growat what they do and they can do in her management role over theWhenanewemployeejoins,it. I also like to give them copies years. Coaching and feedback arethere are many ways to set themat least once a year of their Top 92 Strength Coaching for the Win!'