b'ENGAGEMENT STRAIGHT FROM THE expertsSix Ways to Earn Trust and Elevate EngagementBy Mindy MurphySenior Talent Analyst, The Center for Sales StrategyB uilding trust with your team is one of the most2. Accountabilityimportant things you can do to establish goodAnother way to earn trust is through accountability. This relationships, increase productivity, and elevateincludes holding yourself and others accountable for employee engagement. If people do not trust you,delivering on promises and adhering to commitments. they will not follow you. You will build trust when you take responsibility for your There are several behaviors that trusted leaders haveactions and admit mistakes without blaming others.in common. We have determined six that are key in building trust with your team. These are not the only3. Claritycharacteristics that matter when building trust, butClarity is also key in building trust. Trusted leaders are they are very important and include concrete stepsclear about their mission, vision, values, expectations, you can take to build a culture of trust. and daily tasks. People trust you when you have a clear, concise message. Open and honest communi-6 Ways to Earn Trust cation is a big part of this. Sharing information with people and keeping them in the loop helps them be 1. Integrity more productive and effective.The first step you can take is to operate with integ- 4. Relationship-developmentrity. Trusted leaders behave ethically and do the right thing, even when no one is watching. Be honest,When you develop relationships by getting to know transparent, and dont make promises you cant keep. the people on your team and letting them get to know 128 Six Ways to Earn Trust and Elevate Engagement'