b'INTRODUCTIONTalent SuperheroAllison Delagrange General Sales Manager,Federated Media, Fort Wayne INA grats! and a high-five on a big sale. She compliments her llison Delagrange is a repeat Talent Superhero Award winner which means she received thepeople with detailed feedback on their winning plays. League of Legends Award! This is only the secondWhat gets rewarded, gets repeated and her people are time a manager has been awarded this honor.hearing their coachs positive and specific feedback loud Nominated by two colleagues who see her as a symboland clear. of hope, justice, and the triumph of good over evil: BenHow has Allison saved the day? Ben and Deb shared, Saurer, Vice President and General Manger at FederatedOver the last 2 years, Allison has added 30% more AE Media and previous Talent Superhero Award winner, andfirepower to her team and those hires have made an Deb Williams, General Manager at Federated Media.impact through 1) sharing their non-broadcast expertise These superfans celebrate Allisons passion for puttingin team meetings, 2) generating revenue and bringing the right talent in the right role and coaching them tobrand new accounts to the station, and also 3) serving on achieve excellence. Deb described this peaceful protec- our companys culture committee. And when it comes to tor by saying, Allison is the type of sales manager thatcoaching her current team members, she knows how to her sellers will walk through walls for. She is an exceed- motivate each individual to maximize their top talents. ingly kind person who not only hires amazing talent butSome of her people had personal revenue records in retains the top talent in our company and gets them to2022. As a result of her individualized coaching, along succeed at levels beyond their own expectations. Herwith strong team sales training for her group, she is living focus on the individual talents is what drives their suc- out the phrase turning talent into performance. The cess. Ben shared, Some heroes dont wear capes.end result for 2022 - her teams performance created Thats how one of Allisons Account Managers describesthe equivalent of another radio stations worth of rev-her. While having many coaching talents, I believe herenue for our market all local direct new business and superpower is being specific and purposeful in her pos- Key Account Growth. Talk about saving the day! She is a itive feedback. It goes beyond good job or even con- legendary coach and an even better friend to all of us. 18 Your 2022 Talent Superheroes'