b'ENGAGEMENTHow Can You Improve Yourstrengths for the role as well as their fit with the company, the team, the manager, and the work Company Culture? they will be doing.In the end, company culture is what you make of it. But4 Conduct Growth Guides for each of your employ-if you want to build a better one, there are some thingsees. This allows you to have a clear understanding you can do: of their goals, what motivates them, and how you 1 Identify your purpose, sometimes called a reasoncan support them in their growth. This will demon-for being, which points to the reason why yourstrate that you care about and are invested in company exists. This is important because if youyour people while also allowing you to understand dont know what your purpose is, how can youbetter their goals, their motivators, and what they expect your employees to feel connected to it?need from you to achieve success.Its usually a combination of its mission and vision5 Give employees effective feedback. Point out statements, which should be written down andexactly what they are doing right so they can do easily accessible to everyone in the organization. more of it, and let them know what they can do differently in the future to achieve even greater 2.Identify and define your core values. These valuessuccess.should define how employees will treat each other6 Encourage every employee to build their own and your customers, and they should serve as thepersonal User Guide. Have them share it compa-rules of the game for success at your organization.ny-wide so everyone can better understand the Behaviors that align with your core values should bepeople they work with. These guides will allow recognized and celebrated, while those that dontpeople to share their work styles, tell them how should never be tolerated. Knowing what you valuethey prefer to communicate and speak to what as an organization will also help you to determinedrives them nuts!whether your job candidates are a good culture fit. 7 Insist on open and honest two-way communica-3.Hire for Talent and Culture Fit, not experience. Iftion throughout your organization. Leaders should someone has all the experience in the world butincrease their level of transparency, allowing doesnt fit with what youre trying to build there,employees to better understand the big picture they wont be able to contribute in a meaningfuland the reasoning behind decisions. They should way, and they wont be happy in their work. Makealso seek ideas and input from their people so sure you have a clear understanding of their innateemployees feel valued and heard.UP YOUR CULTURE!Brian Halligan, the CEO of HubSpot, once said, The way I think about culture is that modern humans have radically changed the way that they work and the way that they live. Companies need to change the way they manage and lead to match the way that modern humans actually want to work and live. Were trying to re-craft culture in a way that really matches that. I think that 99% of companies are kind of struck in the 90s when it comes to their culture.This is the perfect time to strengthen the foundation of your business and your culture and drive your employees to show up each day with their sleeves rolled up and feel passionate about the work that they do.The Ultimate Guide to Company Culture 143'