b'DEVELOPMENTWorkshops, Training, and Coaching Programs: 360 Executive Strength Coaching 360 Executive Strength Coaching is the best way for a company to invest in a manager, giving them executive-level coaching to further develop their potential while also increasing team performance! Both the eight-week 360 Executive Strength Coaching program and the six-month 360 Executive Strength Coaching are built around a 360-type performance survey, but unlike any other performance survey out there, 360 Executive Strength Coaching starts with a clear understanding of the managers innate talents. While others focus primarily on improving in areas of weakness, 360 Executive Strength Coaching works to help the manager understand their own unique strengths and build a surefire plan to leverage those strengths to be more productive and successful.Effective Onboarding Online Course Studies have shown that a strong onboarding program can increase employee productivity by 60%! This one-hour online learning includes a few hands-on projects that set managers up for success. Users are guided to build a detailed and customized onboarding checklist, set strong expectations with their new hires, and build a clear path for ongoing development, which leads to that increased productivity. Leadership Development Workshop This live management off-site brings your leaders together with our culture experts for a day of team building and leadership development. Participants will leave this workshop with a better understand-ing of their unique leadership style and how to use it effectively in their roles. They will feel equipped to improve performance on their teams, boost communication, and improve collaboration. Strength Management CoachingThis is one of the best ways to reward and invest in your manager or your current seller, who may be a future company leader! This seven-week Leadership Development Program provides participants with a true understanding of how the best strength managers successfully select, develop, and retain their people. Combining Personal Feedback with strength management coaching, highly interactive sessions with a Talent Analyst, and engaging assignments and projects, Strength Management Coaching leaves all certified Strength Managers with a well-stocked toolbox, filled with the essentials they will need to grow as a leader in the organization and also grow others who may report to them in the future. How We Help with Development 109'