b'ENGAGEMENTWhy is it Important to Have acandidates are in and out of the job market within ten days, according to The Undercover Recruiter, so if Strong Company Culture? youre not hiring them first, youre missing out on your The culture of your company is the most importantchance to land the best people.factor in determining success. A good culture willYour company culture, or employer brand, can be your attract great employees and make it easier to build agreatest appeal. Glassdoor reports that 77% of can-strong bench of new talent. It also impacts how welldidates consider a companys culture before applying you do financially, and it helps you retain your employ- for a job, and 56% of candidates said company culture ees. A happy employee is more productive, makesis more important than salary when it relates to job fewer mistakes, and is less likely to leave the company. satisfaction. Now more than ever, people want to work Lets dig into these concepts, starting with recruitmentsomewhere that feels purposeful and gives them a and the universal desire to attract top talent. The bestsense of meaning. Companies that invest in employer The Ultimate Guide to Company Culture 139'