b'RECRUITMENT1.Building a Strong Talent Bank : managers to focus more on talent strategy, rather Finding top talent wont get easier in this softerthan recruitment execution. economy. Managers will need to do more with less and focus even greater attention on build- 6.Virtual Recruiting :ing strong talent banks they can pull from in theVirtual recruiting will continue to become more future. In addition to making regular talent bankprevalent. It wont just be reserved for remote job deposits, managers will focus on nurturing andopportunities anymore. Virtual recruiting allows communicating with the candidates they have,companies to reach a wider pool of candidates, as so when the time comes, those people are willingwell as save time and resources. This includes con-and eager to come on board.ducting virtual interviews, virtual job fairs, and using video conferencing tools to connect with candidates. 2.Internal Recruitment :The tight job market will make internal mobility7.Employer Branding :increasingly common. Organizations will lightenA strong employer brand makes a company more the recruitment load by quiet hiring: identifyingattractive to candidates in addition to reducing high-potential employees and internal talent path- turnover rates. Employers will focus on telling ways that can both drive career progression andtheir story before others do it for them. This serve the highest priority needs of the business. includes things such as highlighting company culture, promoting employee testimonials, and 3.Work-Life Blend : showcasing employee perks and benefits. Job seekers will no longer try to balance their work and personal lives on opposite sides of the8.Benefits and Perks :spectrum. Instead, job seekers will prioritize com- Companies will understand the importance of a panies that allow for work-life blend, where theycoherent and consistent message about the value can integrate their work hours around personaltheir company offers to talent. With this under-responsibilities.standing, theyll become increasingly creative with their benefits and perks. Mental health ben-4.Focus on Output : efits, flexible work schedules, and career devel-Studies show that productivity and efficiency riseopment and training will all be popular benefits to when success is defined by the amount of workadd to company Employee Value Propositions. completed, rather than when and where the work is done. The traditional 9-5 workday will become9.Salary Transparency :less prevalent as managers focus on output insteadCompanies will become more transparent about of focusing on hours clocked. Some industries willsalaries, regardless of state laws, because transpar-even begin to experiment with a 4-day work week.ency attracts more candidates. Companies will also present their salary information more creatively 5.AI in Recruitment : to attract top candidates. Salary ranges (including AI recruitment technology will get a big boost inhigh-dollar potential) will become the norm. 2023. According to LinkedIn, 68% of recruiting professionals say that investing in new recruiting10. Doing Well by Doing Good :technology is the best way to improve recruit- Candidates want to know that theyre working at ing performance. Most of the administrativea company they can be proud of. Thats not just in and routine portions of recruitment, such asthe product or service the company provides, but resume screening and candidate matching, willits how the organization supports the community become automated. Companies will even begin totheyre in. Companies will be more cognizant of experiment using AI to conduct initial candidatethe greater impact theyre making and share this interviews. Using AI for these processes allowsimpact openly with job seekers. Recruitment Trends 25'