b'RECRUITMENTonly does recruiting take timement. Schedule time for regularBuild and maintain a andresources,butnewhirescheck-ins, create an open-doorstrong culture: often require extensive onboard- policy, and provide employeesFinally,retentionoftencomes ing, training and support beforewith opportunities to voice theirdowntoculture.Doemploy-they can hit their stride. By con- opinions and concerns. Valuingees feel like they belong at the trast, a satisfied and experiencedand supporting your employeescompany?Dotheyenjoytheir employee can often perform theirincreases their engagement andco-workers and the overall work rolewithminimalsupervision,desire to stay with the company.environment? Creating a positive helping to drive down costs andworkplaceculturethatvalues increase productivity.Promote work-life blend:teamwork,collaboration,and Retention also helps with recruit- Another key factor in retentioncreativity can help foster an envi-ment by increasing positive wordis work-life blend. The pandemicronment where employees feel of mouth - a great source of refer- shifted many companies to vary- connected to the company and its rals for new employees. A highing work models, and its moremission. retention rate reflects positivelyimportant than ever to help work- For many employees, a sense of on the companys employer branders find a healthy blend betweenpurpose is crucial. They want to and potential candidates will bework and their personal lives. Thisfeel that their work is making a attracted to an organization thatmight mean offering some sort ofdifference, whether that means has a reputation for treating itsflexible schedules or time off pol- contributing to a larger mission, employees well.icies. It could also mean investinghelpingcustomers,orsolving But retaining top talent is easierin wellness programs or resourcescomplex problems. Organizations said than done. Many businessesthat support mental health andcan foster this sense of purpose by struggle to keep their employeesself-care.communicating their mission and engaged, motivated, and satisfiedProvide opportunities forvalues clearly, and by providing over the long term.growth:opportunities to connect with the Here are a fewEmployees are more likely to stayimpact of their work. ideas to helplonger if you invest in their growthFinding balance is key: and development. Consider offer-retain your bestingregulartrainingprograms Of course, there are no one-size-employees. and discuss career advancementfits-allsolutionstoretention. opportunities, as well as encour- Whatworksforonecompany age employees to take on newmay not work for another. The Build positivechallenges.key is to be proactive and inten-relationships:tional about retention, just as you Offer creative incentives:are with recruitment. By listening First and foremost, businessesto your team, understanding what need to understand what theirCompetitive compensation andmotivates them, and creating a employees want. This may seembenefits attract and retain topsupportive work environment, you obvious, but all too often, com- talent. But there are other inno- can build a team that is commit-panies make assumptions aboutvative incentives for considerationted, productive, and satisfied over whattheirfolksneedwithoutthat help keep workers engagedthe long term. ever taking the time to ask them.andsatisfied.ThesecouldbeIn the end, retention may just be Encouraging open communica- bonuses or stock options, oppor- the best new recruitment strat-tionbetweenemployeesandtunities for professional develop- egy.management can help build trustment, or non-financial rewards and increase employee engage- like recognition programs. Retention is the New Recruitment 47'