b'RECRUITMENTup as a NY Yankees fan and loved watching them instrengths and weaknesses, their learning prefer-the 90s. Those were great teams and it showed onences, and how theyre progressing along the way. the field. This is what we have in Jacksonville, and IEveryone that comes in knows we are going to do have the pleasure to coach them.everything possible to help them succeed and grow in the company. Youve hired several new managers and sellers over the past 2 years. TellWeve all made mistakes! Whats me what youve learned from thata mistake youve made that youve experience.learned from in the recruitment Ben: Lean on the talent assessments, first and always.process? Take advantage of the Pre-Hire Feedback Calls withBen: Involve others in the process. Maybe youre CSS to review each candidates talents (and weak- short on time and others calendars arent matching nesses). Second, rely on your teammates. I alwaysup and youre worried the candidate is going to wiggle identify my internal decision-makers and decision-in- off the hook, or maybe you just have a feeling about fluencers. Doing a panel type of process is best witha candidate. Dont neglect to use your most import-1:1 interaction. By involving others, employees haveant resource, the PEOPLE you work side-by-side with influence as to who will be their future teammates,everyday. Dont go it alone. We are better together and indirectly, who is going to be joining our workthan any one of us on our own. family and culture. Its still my decision in the end,Omesh: A mentor once told me, There is always but all of us together are better than any one of us on our own.wreckage in the fast lane. Take your time, stick to your process, and dont rush things. Omesh: It was exciting to evolve this team. Weve gone through several changes - two managers moved up to Top 10 & Top 20 markets respectively, and weThere are many takeaways from these successful also celebrated two well-deserved retirements. Weleaders! Developing a Job Analysis and Spec Sheet for really took our time to find the right mix of individualseach position, focusing on talent and fit when inter-to add to our team. We carefully selected membersacting with candidates, involving others in the hiring of our team who added a large variety of strengthsdecision, and onboarding new hires with pre-board-and its certainly showing up now. You undoubtedlying touches. want to work with a team that is constantly wanting to grow and develop.In the end, though, its your own disciplined habits that lead to recruitment success. Ill leave you with Once hired, do you have anythis final thought from Ben, Once you throw a couple onboarding practices you are especiallytouchdowns (get some new hires), its easy to start proud of or committed to? confidently thinking you can throw any ball into dou-ble-coverage and still score. Before you know it, Ben: Pre-boarding touches 1:1. We make sure toyoure met with a pick 6 return touchdown for the include them on all team communications right away.other team. Ouch. Consistently, remember the prin-We also have a company-wide shout out email thatciples and discipline that got you to the dance. Ask includes a headshot and allows the new hire to shareyourself, what about my current people make them a few words about themselves. Our Culture Crewgreat hires? Find more people like that and dont get readies a nice starting day gift of swag and from there,too confident or take chances you normally wouldnt. each department head has their plan and checklist for onboarding. Omesh: We have a standard onboarding plan, but we tailor it differently depending on the individuals 36 Finding Talent You Can Bank On'