b'DEVELOPMENT STRAIGHT FROM THE expertsDay 101:5 Ways to Develop New Sales Reps! By Trey MorrisVice President and Senior Consultant, The Center for Sales StrategyE very sales manager has an onboarding proceduresales, the reality is that it just takes longer for new for new reps, beginning with day 1. Do paper- salespeople to gain traction today. Focus on the lead-work, have lunch with the boss, shadow someing indicators that will help them succeed. Review their veteran salespeople, start building a prospect list, etc.outbound sales activity, number of new CNAs, and pro-The first 30, 60, and 90 days of onboarding new salesposals. Dont just look at the numbers, but also dive reps are pretty standard. (Of course, we recommenddeeper into the quality of the content. You are looking that you follow the CSS Onboarding Checklist).for areas where you can help them improve. Identify However, what are your plans on Day 101 for your newperformance gaps and create a plan to close them. Use sales reps?data, customer feedback, and missed opportunities to help them identify areas for improvement, set goals, Far too often, I see sales managers get into the men- and hold them accountable for achieving those goals. tality that if a rep has been around for 90 days orAdditionally, offer feedback and constructive criticism, more, they know what they are doing and let themand provide resources or training to help them develop do it. Salespeople need and want your guidance. Youthe skills they need to succeed. need to have a plan to help continue their growth and development. Remember, your success is dependent2. Optimize the Sales Process on your sales teams success. So, here are 5 ways to continue to help develop yourBy reviewing and refining the sales process, salespeo-new sales reps:ple can improve their efficiency and effectiveness in closing deals. As a manager, you should analyze the existing process and identify areas that need improve-1. 100-Day Reviewment. This could include streamlining outreach, refin-After the first 100 days is the perfect time to reviewing the pitch, or improving follow-up procedures. your new salespersons activity and productivity. AsAlso, provide resources or training to help salespeople much as we want them to have closed a bunch of newdevelop skills that can improve their sales process.100 Day 101: 5 Ways to Develop New Sales Reps!'