b'DEVELOPMENTHow to Develop a Leadership Mindset to Achieve SuccessBy Stephanie StollDirector of Learning and Development, The Center for Sales StrategyLtodayarefacinganever-increasingment Talent Assessment (MTA), each complemented eaders number of complex scenarios that demand theirby a specific mindset: attention. In the fast-paced world of business, theDrives & Values: a NEVER-GIVE-UP Mindset conveyor belt of challenges never stops moving, and no two situations are ever the same.Work Style: an ACTION-ORIENTED Mindset But for effective leaders, this is just another day atPeople Acumen: a PEOPLE-FIRST Mindset the office. They possess the ability to quickly assessInfluence: a TAKE-CHARGE Mindset the situation and give themselves the right instruc-tions for success. They are skilled at thinking on theirThought Process: a BIG PICTURE Mindset feet and making split-second decisions that can makeOverall, understanding and utilizing both your natural all the difference. These instructions that they givetalents and a growth-oriented mindset can greatly themselves are the Mindset, and combined with theirenhance your effectiveness as a leader. Lets discuss Talents, or natural abilities, they have become super- how you can maximize your leadership to bring out heroes of the business world.the best in yourself and others, by digging into each As a leader, when you grasp and harness your Topof the Mindset categories. Talents, coupled with the appropriate Mindset - which can change through continuous learning and growthNEVER-GIVE-UP Mindset - you are empowered to steer the situation towardsThe NEVER-GIVE-UP mindset, is complemented by the success with ease.Drives and Values categories on the MTA, specifically When it comes to exceptional leadership, its often thePurpose and Positivity. It is defined by persevering case that those who excel possess inherent strengthstowards your aspirations with a steadfast commitment in the five distinct Talent categories from the Manage- to excellence and doing things the right way. 86 How to Develop a Leadership Mindset to Achieve Success'