b'DEVELOPMENTTalent Report as a refresher ofhow your team is receiving andwhen its done correctly. Account-what makes them great.responding to the feedback youability is coaching when the goal is Once a year, Traci also conducts aare providing. Are they enjoyingto make someone better. Growth Guide conversation withthe talent feedback and coachingSeeing the firsthand results and each member of her team to talkand what do they share regard- benefits of talent feedback and about what they value and enjoying the benefit to their growthstrengthcoachingispower-most in their role and what isand success? Ive had a couple offul.Organizationscanelevate important to them. The directionsellers tell me directly how muchemployee performance tremen-of someones life can change in athey need and want the feedback.dously by prioritizing talent feed-year with where they want to go inYou can see it in their attitude andbackandcoaching.Helping their role or career. This one-on- activity. said Traci. 100% ouremployees understand their tal-one discussion sends an importantdevelopment conversations haveents and coaching them to lever-message to let them know theychanged.age their strengths is a winning are important and valued. Its alsoFew things are more powerful thancombination. a great reminder to revisit theirgiving an individual clear insight Top Talents and leverage theirinto their unique talents. Imple-strengths.mentingastrat-Some of the coaching benefitsegytoidentify Traci has seen personally for herand leverage tal-team include increased engage- ents provides the ment and performance. Every- individual with a one likes to hear what they arepersonalized plan good at, and everyone needs tofor their strength be reminded of this from time todevelopment, time. These friendly reminderswhileproviding and words of encouragement arethe manager with good if a rep is in a slump, or if theyaroadmapto had a bad day, or just a generalcoachtheirnew reminder to keep their focus onhire,cultivate their talents. these talents, and With one of these sellers, herpositively impact talent is off the charts. The prob- performance. lem she has is getting started orI dont know of turning the key in the ignition.anyone that likes She has great plans but just needsto be managed. a little extra help and encourage- Ialwaystellmy ment to get started. Once she getspeople that I am started, she takes off! With thehere for them as other seller, he very much wantsaresourceand to be the hero, so when I am work- coachtohelp ing with him, I use phrases like wethemgrowand need you to close this and we arebesuccessful.I counting on you. These light a firewillholdthemTraci Davis, Director of Sales,in him to get the job done.a c c o u n t a b l e.Townsquare Media Evansville/Owensboro As a leader, it is also importantAccountability to have a regular pulse check onisnt a bad thing Strength Coaching for the Win!93'