b'DEVELOPMENTlead to success in your organization overall. If yourthe prospect and very little about what they do. This company values integrity, and you catch someonemaximizes the potential of closing business when you being dishonest on their resume, it likely wont bereturn to present your recommendations and solutions. the right fit.Advise, Close, and Grow: During the final few weeks of onboarding, we focus our efforts on training the 2. Investment: Train Them on asalesperson to make strong recommendations, close Proven Sales Processbusiness in their pipeline, and continue to grow more Investment is the great multiplier. When someone hasbusiness in the future. the right talent and fit, you can invest in them by train- CSS Consultants meet weekly with each salesperson for ing them, coaching them, and developing them. Theindividualized coaching sessions and opportunities to Focused Fast-Start Program is a big investment, and itsput their learning into action. We focus on actual target important to consider the amount of time youre willingaccounts, help them with their overall process of closing and able to invest in someone.new business, and hold them accountable to the goals Most companies that start a new business initiative withthat are set for them. brand new salespeople struggle with a limited onboard-ing process. This may look like meeting with key stake- 3. Growth: Close $1 million in New holders, getting an understanding of internal systems,Business HR training, etc. In nearly every case, onboarding is allWeve reached the end of The Growth Formula! Growth about the companys internal workings and never reallyin an organization truly starts with the growth of each focused on selling products and services. individual in the Focused Fast-Start Program. Remem-TheFocusedFast-StartProgramusesa12-weekber, growth is accomplished by hiring people who have onboarding strategy that thoroughly trains salespeoplethe right talent and fitand then investing in them. on the six stages of selling:To help ensure growth, Focused Fast-Start participants are Identify: The first few weeks focus on training new busi- measured on performance related to activity, appoint-ness representatives to target the right accounts andments, discovery calls, presentations, and closes every develop a customized Valid Business Reason (VBR) toweek. After onboarding concludes, Consultants continue get the attention of a potential prospect. Automatedto support participants with bi-weekly account develop-sequences deliver less than one tenth of a percent inment and monthly training for the remainder of the year. getting an appointment, thats why the initial few weeks are tailored to getting in front of a potential buyer usingPutting it All Together: (Talent + custom VBRs.Fit) x Investment = Growth Connect: Of course, there are a variety of ways to con- Does your business produce Fast Starts? Do you have nect with prospects and secure an appointment, but thethe right talent and fit? Are your processes built on a most important part of the process is consistency andfoundation of success, or do you find yourself managing persistence.an uphill battle? Focused Fast-Start participants are taught to use ourThe foundation of our program is applying The Growth Dont Give Up process when reaching out to set upFormula and a proven new business process. Although an appointment. We train them to use technologyThe Growth Formula is simple, applying it isnt easy, and resources, sales enablement tools, CRMs, and businessneither is developing a proven process. intelligence tools to maximize their prospecting. Discover: Next, participants are taught not to sell. Sell- Look at your new business efforts and ask this simple ing limits potential opportunities, ultimately loweringquestion: Are you chasing the dollar, or is the dollar chas-potential revenue. Instead, we give them the tools toing you? discover a prospects true needs by making it all about 98 Developing Sales Stars'