b'DEVELOPMENT1.Internal Mobility : The job market will5.Skills Development : Upskilling, reskill-cause professionals to shift their focus awaying, and right-skilling will be a top priority for from traditional career growth and towardsmost organizations. Skills development sup-internal mobility within their current organiza- ports employee training desires, while also tion. To support this trend, employers shouldincreasing competencies and preparing for prioritize the development of their people byfuture role advancement.offering training and certification programs to help their employees acquire new skills or6.Trends in Training : Microlearning will enhance their existing ones. This will benefitcontinue to be an effective teaching method.both the organizations and the employees. Three microlearning vessels will remain in the forefront: TikTok, Google searches on topics, 2.Onboarding : With the spread of theand interactive gratification ending in a reward. 90-day quitting trend, companies will moveExtended reality (XR) will also continue to emerge. away from a standardized onboarding process7.Leadership Development : Invest-and begin using a more individualized approach to the onboarding experience for every newing in building strong leadership will be a hot hire.topic. More organizations will create leadership training programs to assist leaders to inspire their team members and thrive during conflict 3.Strength Development : Companiesmanagement, delegation, and decision-making. will adopt a big-picture mindset and focus on building Talent Focused Organizations. They will8.Employee Motivation : Employ-begin to use world-class talent assessments toers will pay more attention to what drives match talent to task in every role in the organi- those in the younger generations like career zation, so they set every employee up for suc- advancement, purpose, and compensation, so cess. They will also use their understanding ofemployee motivation will need to be tailor-fit.strength management to maximize the unique strengths of each employee and support them9.Feedback and Recognition : as they continue to develop themselves andEmployees want to be coached, rather improve their performance.than managed. Recognition and feedback will become a top priority and leaders will be 4.Agile Learning Culture : Training andcreative in their approach to ensure equality, development opportunities will become a regu- regardless of work model.larly scheduled occurrence for every employee. LMS technology will offer personalized learning10. Artificial Intelligence : Knowledge on-demand to keep employees engaged. Morecan often get lost in translation. Chatbots will companies will create customized learning pathsbecome prevalent tools to avoid messages that that allow employees to learn what they needcan be easily miscommunicated. AI will also be when they need it.used to measure employee sentiment to ensure onboarding is on track.Development Trends 85'