b'DEVELOPMENTforge ahead in a proactive manner, leading their teamBIG-PICTURE Mindset with decisiveness and energy. They default to actionWhen you think of someone who is able to see the and bring about the energy and resources necessaryBig Picture, it most likely brings to mind that person for those around them to do to the same.who doesnt get caught in the weeds or sweat the small stuff. It is all about the Thought Process and PEOPLE-FIRST Mindsetcenters around the talents of Business Acumen and Have you ever been around that leader who has neverAgility. When you need to get something done with met a stranger and has the uncanny ability to put thelots of moving pieces and twist and turns, it calls for right people and resources in the right place at thethe BIG-PICTURE Mindset. right time? That is the People Acumen themes hardThis strategic mindset enables leaders to make sound at work and they are usually know for their ability tobusiness decisions and navigate potential obstacles, build and develop a strong team.setting the bar high for success by carefully consid-Initiating and tuning in to the PEOPLE-FIRST Mindset,ering all variables before setting a clear direction. By leaders invest their time to cultivate personal con- building a compelling case and effectively commu-nections and foster growth, while demonstrating anicating their vision, they inspire buy-in from their genuine concern for their people. Their strong com- team. Continuously assessing progress, they remain munication skills, openness, and inclusive approachopen to change and course correction to ensure the create a sense of trust among clients and team mem- achievement of their goals. bers alike.The BIG-PICTURE Mindset allows leaders to nimbly Rallying around a common goal and cause, even inguide their people using their own curiosity and the face of extreme pressure can be achieved with aadaptability to conquer issues as they arise and deal PEOPLE-FIRST Mindset. Relationships are strong whenwith the ever-changing business landscapes they face. they are authentic and built on trust, and outputs will be a direct reflection of this work.Putting the Leadership Mindset TAKE-CHARGE Mindsetinto Play Unlike innate talent, your mindset can change over When leading others, it is always important to havetime.Byconsistentlyseekingopportunitiesfor the ability to influence, and we define this in the talentgrowth and maintaining focused attention, you have themes of Persuasion and Command. Taking risks andthe power to positively influence your mindset, ulti-pushing forth with conviction and authority, sets themately driving your success forward. stage for bold and audacious goals and outcomes.Remember, Mindset is the instructions you give to With a powerful TAKE-CHARGE mindset that ralliesyourself. So, ask yourself three key questions that will teams and propels them towards success, great lead- help you focus on the outcomes you desire: ers demonstrate decisiveness by laying out a clear1 What do you want to be known for? vision and sharing their unwavering convictions. Their2.What instructions will you give yourself? infectious inspiration motivates others to follow their lead, pushing them to exceed their own expectations3.What impact will it have on performance? and achieve what they once thought impossible.Once you have answered these questions, you can When we say that leaders are rallying the troopsthen put the Leadership Mindset concept into play. or leading them into battle, it is often due to themIn the end, the most effective leaders are those who using a TAKE-CHARGE mindset. Their team believesremain focused, determined, and committed to find-in them and trusts that they will come out victorious,ing the best solutions, no matter what challenges which is an unparalleled skill when working in uncer- come their way. With practice and experience, you tain conditions or those that are constantly changing.too can become a superhero of the business world.How to Develop a Leadership Mindset to Achieve Success 89'